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As if forecasters were not aware of late winter storms when compiling expectations.

Same story posted today at

TRCH Article

Posted by RichieD on 5th of Apr 2017 at 03:22 pm

Inverse ETF's

Posted by RichieD on 24th of Feb 2017 at 11:08 am

Been watching TZA, SOXS, SQQQ and SDS all morning. Viewing various timeframes. Finding it quite difficult to come up with an entry point. Using an 8 EMA as a turnaround point along with a reversal candlestick. Going between daily, 60 minute, 30 minute and 5 minute charts. 

Taking it in as an educational experience but not finding a way to step in.

can anyone give some basic advice what to view and what to avoid?

what ensued and how quickly it played out?

CLF: Sweet trade


Posted by RichieD on 9th of Feb 2017 at 11:58 am

Tried something new.  Bought in two days ago at $9.20; followed the 5 minute chart with 8EMA all the way up this morning; barely a red candle.  Sold position at $11.07 after doji and red candle.  Pleased to make a score.  

Let me take you to the racetrack instead...


Posted by RichieD on 18th of Nov 2016 at 01:35 pm

Used to play for a living.  MUCH less volatility, and they don't stop the race (and not let you collect) when your horse is 5 in front. Cool

Thanks, Matt.


Posted by RichieD on 17th of Nov 2016 at 03:46 pm

DRYS last trade  $12.36; might be a complete round trip by the close.  Cool



Posted by RichieD on 17th of Nov 2016 at 10:48 am

$10.00 to $100.00 to $24.00 all in one week's time.  Just curious - what's that all about? 

Anyone nimble enough to make money on this? I'm not a day trader who can spend time with intraday charts; could not take advantage of the huge volatility.

GDX and GDXJ and all the precious metal equities

Posted by RichieD on 2nd of Nov 2016 at 03:41 pm

Both sold off this afternoon after a solid morning move higher.  I'm baffled - don't see anything technical (not oversold on RSI, doesn't appear to have run into a downtrend or overhead resistance) and the fundamentals improved slightly today (gold still up nearly $10.00).

Can anyone explain the sell off this afternoon?  It's days like this that reinforce the notion of manipulation.  Or am I missing something?

PS: Please don't imply the gold trade is getting crowded; that's utter nonsense. My guess is that no more than 1 in 500 traders/investors have any position whatsoever.   

Seems to me that most low-priced stocks ($10.00 or less)...

Posted by RichieD on 27th of Oct 2016 at 11:07 am

are having a difficult time holding any gains...even intraday.  At least it feels that way for the dozen or so I've been watching the past 2-3 weeks, and would be consistent with Steve's comment of "hit and run" the other day.  Is it just the stocks I'm watching or have others seen a similar pattern?

I don't think it is. Last trade was $7.18


Posted by RichieD on 25th of Oct 2016 at 03:13 pm

Perhaps the stops are only allowed in .05 cent increments.  That's what I found out the other day with VCEL when I went to place a stop through Fidelity.

here's my thought as to why the discussion of gold manipulation comes up so often in the Trading Community AND is important to many subscribers:

Contrary to trading general equities (where BPT subscribers day trade or swing trade positions and are not holding long-term), I would venture to guess many of those same subscribers maintain a separate long-term position in gold and gold/silver miners (rather than view them as another short-term trading vehicle based on charts).  I know I do, and suspect I'm not alone.  I view those positions different from those I trade in and out of.  To me, they provide insurance should the financial world go completely awry.  Wouldn't be surprised if I have company here.

If that explanation is correct, it's no wonder people are frustrated at the manipulation.  Gold has become their only long-term "fundamental position", and people resent when the game is rigged.  As you state however, there are no triggers to trade off of, so day traders (like you and Steve) don't get hung up on it.

Very small

This mkt ...

Posted by RichieD on 5th of Oct 2016 at 10:40 am

I placed an order for 3000 shares of VCEL this morning at $2.91 limit; they filled me with 200 shares, then took it a few cents higher.  Pathetic. 

and your need to be online without fail when the market is trading, I strongly encourage you to put a redundant solution (ie., 2nd internet carrier) in place, if you have that option.  We do that the both law firm offices I manage; just a cost of doing business.  Far too important to never be offline.  Good luck.

I really dislike hedging, anyway.  Cool

I'm long a few stocks and several gold/silver miners.  o protect those positions, I'm thinking about placing a conditional order for SDS and DUST about 2% above where they're trading around 1:50pm.  My thinking is they will only trigger if there's a rate hike, otherwise they'll go unfilled.

Foolish or sensible?


Posted by RichieD on 8th of Sep 2016 at 11:58 am


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