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as well as your sentiments.  Much like Matt or Steve's big picture analysis of the S&P, DOW and NASDAQ, they provide a macro perspective that either supports or conflicts with our individual trades.  That can only be helpful. 

In answer to your (somewhat) rhetorical question...


Posted by RichieD on 15th of Jun 2016 at 01:47 pm

one metric (US Industrial production) can't be manipulated while the other two can.


Posted by RichieD on 13th of Jun 2016 at 01:17 pm

Steve, Any thoughts why GDEN is down hard (more than 4%) today?


Can that be correct?  The info I have says low of the day for GDXJ is $36.08 (not $33.62) and for GDX it's $24.08 (v $22.82).

Understatement of the day

Weak Number

Posted by RichieD on 3rd of Jun 2016 at 09:20 am

A 2nd grader could have come up with a better estimate than the "experts"    Smile

claim 'the market' is ready for and accepting of an upcoming interest rate hike, and when the Fed announces (June or July) the market will lift off once again.  Very few seem to disagree.  Can they ALL be right?  Feels like a crowded trade to me.

The ultimate oxymoron: Home page right now on

Posted by RichieD on 24th of May 2016 at 09:09 pm

Headline on the left: Bullard: "Don't count on a June Fed hike"

Headline on the right: "Gold hits 5-week low as U.S. rate hike outlook weighs"


Is it me or is it the market?

Posted by RichieD on 23rd of May 2016 at 02:08 pm

Seems like nearly every stock I'm watching these days has a minor breakout, then reverses course, dips well below the breakout, reverses course yet again, etc. etc.  Few seem to hold their gains.....even intraday, which makes for difficult trading. 

Have sat on the sidelines for most of these moves, which is certainly okay, but wondering if I'm just looking at the wrong stocks.  YELP, ENDP and NANO are three I'm watching today - all exhibit this characteristic to varying degrees.

Is it a case of too many traders watching the same handful of stocks, causing them to push price higher at the open only to see those gains evaporate within minutes?  

What does the chart look like??  Wink

Seriously, though, thanks for the quick briefing on Tesla.  I see it in a similar light.

Using intra-day charts as you described is the only way a trader could have capitalized on this wild ride without being stopped out yesterday for a loss.

I've noticed in recent weeks it has been prudent....

Posted by RichieD on 11th of May 2016 at 10:27 am

to wait out the 1st 15 minutes of trading before putting on my conditional trades. 

Seems like many setups do a head fake higher (crossing the breakout point) at the open, then quickly turn lower.  Have made and saved a ton of $$$ sitting tight for a few minutes rather than place my conditional instructions prior to the open.

Thoughts on this waiting strategy (especially in a non-trending market)?

Learned that playing the racetrack for 50 years and from growing up on the streets of Brooklyn, NY.  If it looks too good to be true, it usually is. 

PaddyPower, much like other Irish and British bookmakers, is nobody's fool.  They've been setting odds on all kinds of events for nearly 30 years, and are in the business of turning a profit.  It 's tough gaining an edge, especially on a political event as 'exposed' as the US presidential election. 

Betting Trump might be a winning wager...and it might not, but it's certainly not a gimme.  Thinking it is will only get you into trouble.  Loved reading your analysis, but from my vantage point, there are far too many potential twists and turns to bet with conviction.  Have a go at 5-2, just don't bet your house on it.   

They were adamant today's Jobs report would show 240,000 new jobs.  Actual figure was 160,000.  A 1st grader would have come up with a better number.  Why is GS so revered?

A large number of gold and silver mining stocks.........

Posted by RichieD on 4th of May 2016 at 02:32 pm

have reached the midpoint between their Bollinger bands.  Is this a likely place they'll find support? 

53.36 - 37.35 = 15.61 not 14.61, meaning there may be more room to run than implied in your comment.  

Answer: Correct but focus on what's in front of you..symmetry is best used as a guide.  

53.36 - 37.35 = 15.61 and 53.36 - 39.02 = 14.34 Steve 

Bought QID just prior to the close..........

ut oh AAPL miss

Posted by RichieD on 26th of Apr 2016 at 05:21 pm

Thought AAPL would have a bad report and a negative reaction; reportedly 6% lower in after market trading.  Knowing AAPL weighs heavily on the NASDAQ index, I'm expecting a lower open in the morning.  Planning to cash out if the NASDAQ dips significantly at the open.  Risky, but my gut said go for it.  Part one is in place; hoping for follow through, but I know things can change quickly overnight.

Frustrated with KPTI

Posted by RichieD on 21st of Apr 2016 at 04:25 pm

Closed 2 days ago at $9.04.  Bought it yesterday at $9.30 when it broke out at the open.  Went higher yesterday morning (up to $9.56), put in a stop at $9.35, quickly descended midday and took me out slightly above break even, closed at $9.03end of day.  Today it ran at the open, strong all day and closed at $9.92.

Looks like I was a day early, played it conservatively and missed the big move.  What makes a stock move (up and down) like this?


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