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Closed well off yesterday's high

BLIN expanding volume

Posted by RichieD on 5th of Aug 2016 at 07:09 am

Where would you enter the trade?  Or would you? Go to an intraday chart?

Thanks Steve.

APHB Daily View (Response to Question)

Posted by RichieD on 4th of Aug 2016 at 09:26 am

other than by watching intraday everyday on the way down for the last two weeks?  Would a strategy of placing a buy order a penny or two above the high of each previous day's doji (there were many) on the way down have caught this move up?  Just trying to learn.  I dropped it from my watchlist as it started to slide.

BYD - Anything to make of this?

Posted by RichieD on 21st of Jul 2016 at 04:27 pm

Been following the trading pattern in BYD this week using 15 minute candles.  

In each of the last 4 trading sessions, the stock opened with a big red (down) move on the first 15 minute candle (on extremely light volume), and closed each trading day with a huge green (up) move on the final 15 minute candle (on huge volume).

Anything to read into this type of action or is it simply coincidence? 

An exhaustive list of setups indeed....

Wednesday Newsletter

Posted by RichieD on 21st of Jul 2016 at 09:13 am

Tricky to narrow down.  Nevertheless, your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Notice the long wicks to the upside nearly every day this stock trades higher.  Seems to be the trend right now on many low price stocks I'm currenty following.

both of which had huge moves up Monday on heavy volume, then retraced 70-80% of that move Tuesday.  Are both the start of giant flag patterns?  If so, are they tradeable on an intraday chart or just too risky?

Small caps: what goes up, comes back down (quickly)

Posted by RichieD on 19th of Jul 2016 at 11:19 am

Two shining examples: MRNS (now below $2.00) and BLDP (monster move up yesterday, huge move down today).  Remain nimble.

MRNS - near round trip

Posted by RichieD on 18th of Jul 2016 at 02:29 pm

Wow!  Now down to $2.17. Glad to have bailed at $2.52 this morning


Posted by RichieD on 18th of Jul 2016 at 10:47 am

Bought in 3 days ago at $1.84; been watching the 5 minute chart like a hawk this morning as it took off.  Peaked at $2.61; closed it out 10 minutes ago at $2.52.  Thank you Matt for pointing out the chart last week.

VBLT - Matt or anyone else

Posted by RichieD on 13th of Jul 2016 at 03:43 pm

Can anyone give me a technical assessment of what this stock did over the last 5 weeks?  

Was trading around $3.75 in early June (avg daily volume less than 100,000), then, on June 6th rocketed as high as $7.58 before closing the day at $6.85 on 30,000,000 shares traded.  Yes, 30 million shares.  Been watching it consolidate and drift lower ever since on much lighter volume, hoping for a setup that has never come to fruition.  

Continues to show no signs of life, and today it pierced the 50 sma at $3.95 (nearly a complete round trip). Less than 500,000 shares traded.

Is this stock likely to explode higher on monster volume one day soon, or is it a sucker play?  Not in it, but fascinated by the way it has been trading.  Can't believe someone made that large a bet all for nought.

Just read through it...


Posted by RichieD on 12th of Jul 2016 at 04:23 pm

Fraught with risk indeed.  If one day I opt to invest in the metal (vs the miners), I'll buy gold direct (preferably coins), rather than buy shares in a trust that passively invests in the metal, incurs expenses and might be subject to manipulation.  

How would one trade it?


Posted by RichieD on 12th of Jul 2016 at 04:01 pm

Is URG setting up to launch higher?

Posted by RichieD on 8th of Jul 2016 at 11:36 am

Been flagging for a month on light volume after a huge move up on big volume.  50 and 200 sma have flattened and look to provide support when they turn up.

Figured as much. Thanks, Matt.

Timeframes for trading

Posted by RichieD on 7th of Jul 2016 at 12:01 pm

Timeframes for trading

Posted by RichieD on 7th of Jul 2016 at 11:51 am

Home recovering from hip surgery; have more time on my hands.  

Usually (swing) trade off the daily charts, but have been playing around with free tools offered by Fidelity that provide "advanced charts" offering a variety of views (1 day, 2 day, 5 day, etc.) and different timeframes (60 minute, 30 minute, 15 minute, 5 minute, etc.).

Completely confused as to which timeframe to "drill down to" to get a better entry point.  As I adjust the variables, different pictures for a given stock emerge. Can anyone offer some advice?

Have yet to trade off this info; just exploring and trying to learn.

Huge tail.....

Nice Hammer on WEAT

Posted by RichieD on 5th of Jul 2016 at 02:40 pm

Thanks for pointing this out.  Looks like it is now trading above the midpoint of the prior day's candle.

"Stay the course" was their mantra of the day.  The message never fluctuates despite a constantly changing world.

Never mentioned is the inherent conflict of interest that exists between Fidelity and participants in the 401k/profit sharing plans they administer.  Fidelity's management fees are based upon $$$ invested in the mutual funds they manage. Why would they ever suggest participants move to cash?  It's against their financial interest. 

Interesting take on the latest Brexit information....

Posted by RichieD on 22nd of Jun 2016 at 06:38 am

London bookmaker Ladbrokes is offering 1-4 remain, 3-1 leave  (see, while London Times latest poll reports 44% remain, 45% leave.  

Apparently, the bookmakers know something the polls aren't reflecting; they rarely give away money.

Brexit risk/reward

Posted by RichieD on 16th of Jun 2016 at 06:59 am

I have an opinion about which way the vote will go next week and want to position myself accordingly.  Finding it difficult however, to assess the risk/reward of the two possible outcomes.  Will the market react stronger to a vote to leave the EU or a vote to stay?

Suspect a vote to leave will hit the market hard, but a vote to stay will only have a mildly bullish effect.

Anyone have an opinion about potential market reactions (not the underlying vote)?


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