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bought roku i like this

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:50 pm

bought roku i like this stk i use their boxes haha

erx broke yesterdays high like

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:47 pm

erx broke yesterdays high like close above that be nice trade.

500.00 on 1 nflx call 

locked in 1500.00 on 5 spy calls nice

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:46 pm

500.00 on 1 nflx call 

nflx call went away too 

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:44 pm

nflx call went away too 

locked in 1500.00 on 5

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:40 pm

locked in 1500.00 on 5 spy calls nice

just bought ERX 2000 shares 

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:31 pm

just bought ERX 2000 shares 

finally some action set all

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:25 pm

finally some action set all day until 15 min ago

nice move on nflx

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:25 pm

nice move on nflx

thus my point..sorry about typos


Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:18 pm

thus my point..sorry about typos my keyboard expensive died now i am on a walmart 10.00 unit hahaa hav to send other one back.

matt the thing is you


Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:16 pm

matt the thing is you trade what works you dont have to ba a gold bug and a gold hater most traders are swayed by the hatred on love of gold . i trade what i see thus i had hugh couple weeks trading gld nugt and jnug. tarding vehicles are just that just my thoughts 

picked up nflx call 

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:12 pm

picked up nflx call 

yep i just bought some

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 02:52 pm

yep i just bought some spy calls tip toe in 

she be ugly .....i havent

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 02:12 pm

she be ugly .....i havent touched a thing watching oilu gush and erx

looks like we test steve's

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 10:12 am

looks like we test steve's 50% fib

rollover on PM and GLD

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 10:06 am

rollover on PM and GLD taking place as i stated earlier

funny only stk up on

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 09:57 am

funny only stk up on sp500 nem

this is a take your

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 09:27 am

this is a take your money and run market glad i sold out yesterday  will monitor as Steve says haha..

Soo what's up as we

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 08:55 am

Soo what's up as we open GOLD  in last 3 weeks gold been the winner everything else in the toilet so we had a rotation on a snap back rally . the only stk about 20 dayin the sp500  NEM gold stk. USLV up pre market as well. Since we have made nice bounce on GLD and PM stks caution would be warranted daily on GLD is still pointing up but weekly over bought and daily approaching hourly pointing up so we may get up move and a rollover . 

well i just unloaded will

Posted by RP on 26th of Dec 2018 at 03:59 pm

well i just unloaded will watch from here just to big a move 

sold my 3k shares of

Posted by RP on 26th of Dec 2018 at 02:36 pm

sold my 3k shares of UWT and 2000 Shares of GUSH will hold gush c alls very nice day!


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