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cant get your chart to open. anyway gld made a big move off the lows its due for a pullback around 1260 as i stated other day on here. than we see if it holds we work higher it done we could retest the lows. and also a key component is the USD.

my son is a CFA

SPX 15 min MA config chart

Posted by RP on 31st of Dec 2018 at 04:13 pm

my son is a CFA bond analyst at Vanguard at headqtrs in malvern pa. he laughs at me when i say PPT dollar cost average ...

heck off a move in

Posted by RP on 31st of Dec 2018 at 04:11 pm

heck off a move in jnug and nugt with gld doing nothing today. see if they do anything in january.

sold my iwm calls nice

Posted by RP on 31st of Dec 2018 at 04:02 pm

sold my iwm calls nice close at least wasnt a totally wasted day..

if you are smart you

Posted by RP on 31st of Dec 2018 at 04:01 pm

if you are smart you will take something from everything you read and find your own niche . what fits your personality and find a sector or a setup that works for you consistantly . 

another good book "its when

Posted by RP on 31st of Dec 2018 at 03:38 pm

another good book "its when you sell that counts " this is the hardest thing to learn haha forgot author.. 

john Carter's Mastering the Trade...Robert Miners High Probability Trading Stratagies...He is from tucson and he taught carolyn boroden the fib queen whose charts cramer uses on his show. last one is Tools and Tactics for The Master Day velez and capra all are good Carters is very practical and deals with trading psychology as well. miners covers trading various time frames and using say a 60min and daily charts to make a trade also talks about his software which is good as well. also fib queen has a book fibonacci trading and she uses miners software in her trading she also works with john carter. she also uses symmetry and discusses in her book. all good books i also own trading in the zone steve mentioned excellent book as well..hope that helps..

JNUG and NUGT rocking up

Posted by RP on 31st of Dec 2018 at 11:28 am

JNUG and NUGT rocking up here GLD kinda flat seems they are picking up the ball here. 

yes funny...i am watchin g GLD for a put position also the UUP to confirm possible pullback to 1260 area than would switch go back long see what mr. mkt gives us.

i agree been watching it 

yep exactly 10 trades today one small loser take the money and run and sleep like a baby all weekend. 

picked up some rdc 

Posted by RP on 28th of Dec 2018 at 10:46 am

picked up some rdc 

possible but 800.00 in my

bears will try to push lower here?

Posted by RP on 28th of Dec 2018 at 10:34 am

possible but 800.00 in my pocket i sell 

locked in puts on spy

Posted by RP on 28th of Dec 2018 at 10:31 am

locked in puts on spy nice trade

dumped everything bought puts on

Posted by RP on 28th of Dec 2018 at 10:04 am

dumped everything bought puts on spy

Matt check out that fund

Posted by RP on 28th of Dec 2018 at 08:49 am

Matt check out that fund flows chart i sent to you last night might even post it explains why gold been going up. we may get a pullback on mkt rally here though.

yep and 5 billion is closing down the goverment when larger amount was voted for in the past by the dems so we will have lots fun going forward. lots turmoil haha

erx closed over yesterday high 

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 04:01 pm

erx closed over yesterday high 

love this action speed dialing

Posted by RP on 27th of Dec 2018 at 03:56 pm

love this action speed dialing over here haha just bought calls on wynn 


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