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BRZU and PBR big days

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 03:59 pm

BRZU and PBR big days BRZU up 4.96

Bought some puts on GLD

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 12:25 pm

Bought some puts on GLD  went out to feb. hard to do when its been so strong but think we getting long in the tooth here. 

IWM rolled over here lunch

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 12:19 pm

IWM rolled over here lunch time for the gang on the trading floor. this is going to be a great market to trade!

out IWM calls and TSLA

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 11:20 am

out IWM calls and TSLA call and sold GUSH and RDC 2000 shares each think i will set watch now sellum when they luvum ..

Matt take a look at

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 11:13 am

Matt take a look at FRED 

IWM just went positive own

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 10:56 am

IWM just went positive own calls from 15 min at the open could be a turnaround day

PBR is killing it all

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 10:24 am

PBR is killing it all oil etfs looking good see if it holds

my son the CFA at

some really liking GE today 

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 10:22 am

my son the CFA at Vanguard GE one companies he follows its been ugly for sure.

they are talking about gold

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 10:17 am

they are talking about gold on cnbc in a minute that should put a nail in the coffin haha

some really liking GE today 

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 10:16 am

some really liking GE today 

sure did i am in gush and rdc lets keep it going

Missed GE man watching for

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 10:05 am

Missed GE man watching for now

PBR making n ice move

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 09:57 am

PBR making n ice move ..jumped i a tesla call notice i said a meaning 1 haha

jnug and nugt rolled over

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 09:50 am

jnug and nugt rolled over and GLD pulling back 

all this volatility creates opportunity

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 09:27 am

all this volatility creates opportunity but scalping instead of swing trading is way to go every day a new day in this mkt. 

TSLA getting hammered down 30

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 09:12 am

TSLA getting hammered down 30

I traded BRZU and PBR both before he was elected and they worked out nice. Capitalism works is all i know just we have to have a level playing field for trade. So their economy should do well but the whole environment worldwide is not great see what happens. 

Dollar up here as well

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 08:58 am

Dollar up here as well see if Gold holds up here with dollar strength.

BRZU up nice premarket Brazil's

Posted by RP on 2nd of Jan 2019 at 08:56 am

BRZU up nice premarket Brazil's new president took office also PBR up a bit. 

of course i aid gld i mean gold its early in the old pueblo and cold haha


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