Mechanical Systems

    Posted by user32 on 23rd of Oct 2009 at 04:14 pm

    Is anyone else out there getting chopped to bits with their mechanical swing systems? The market seems to move just enough to give a buy or a short, and then it reverses. This can't last forever, but it sure has been a tough 2 weeks for my strategies.

    The fourth way stage is

    Posted by junkie on 25th of Oct 2009 at 11:32 pm

    The fourth way stage is condusive for short-term trades between the support and resistance of the range we are in. This is how distribution takes place, IMO. I don't have much luck with the daily mechanical systems, I am focusing on buying support and selling near resistance instead.

    With all the ETF's available

    Posted by stevedfw on 23rd of Oct 2009 at 05:49 pm

    With all the ETF's available (i.e. stock market, metals, energy, agriculture, etc...) is anymore trading MA Crossover Mechanical Systems in different markets/areas ETF's to help when one market is chopping then maybe another would not be? 



    Mech Systems

    Posted by rreynolds on 23rd of Oct 2009 at 05:06 pm

    Yes the systems have been frustrating lately especially to see a good proft fade away before the averages cross again. If the averages get off cycle from the market zig zags then you can lose on the exit trade and the new entry trade. It can be hard but I think you have to recognize you will get bumps but you have to be in the game to catch the big ones. Some say turn them on and off but if I was that good at knowing market direction I would not need a mechanical system.

    Good point. I've always kept

    Posted by user32 on 25th of Oct 2009 at 05:43 pm

    Good point. I've always kept mine on during these periods, and when they're over, I'm often one of the first to be in the next big move. To turn systems off and on properly would require a mechanical system of its own. (Doing discretionary trading of mechanical systems is usually a disaster, so I've discovered.)

    yeah, when the mkt is

    Posted by joecho on 23rd of Oct 2009 at 04:30 pm

    yeah, when the mkt is trendless, it's hard to make money. you get whipsaw a lot. best to turn off or play small position when mkt is trading side way. but hard to say when that trend reverse and start to run again.


    Pretty cool range day or trend day site.

    Looks like a good site,

    Posted by oreo on 25th of Oct 2009 at 11:49 am

    Looks like a good site, thanks!

    Have you used it to determine if the day is trending? When do they put out their forecast for the day and at what number do you decide to turn the sytems on? Is this site reliable? It would be great to be able to tweek the systems a bit if it really works.


    Verticsl Solutions

    Posted by Michael on 24th of Oct 2009 at 10:39 am

    yes-  ver useful site -- thanks.

    Excellent Site!

    Posted by foolwise on 24th of Oct 2009 at 09:04 am

    I only wish there was

    Posted by user32 on 23rd of Oct 2009 at 05:43 pm

    I only wish there was a mechanical way to turn them off and on again (i.e. to discover when the markets are pretty much trendless.) Matt's equity curve system works great for long periods, but it's tougher for the shorter periods of non-trendiness. Guess I should experiment with this more. I've found that some of my best developments/breakthroughs in creating strategies happen during the weeks when my current ones aren't doing that well. I guess that's what I'll be working on this weekend (that and trying to get rid of excess Halloween candy!)

    Maybe use ATR setting in

    Posted by oreo on 23rd of Oct 2009 at 07:04 pm

    Maybe use ATR setting in a 60 min. chart and don't trade them when the ATR falls below like .2

    I have not tested it but it makes sense that you would'nt want to trade it when it's ATR is low and therefore not trending or making big moves?


    Posted by Michael on 23rd of Oct 2009 at 07:21 pm

    for TS users -- have not tried it yet but if you go to Trading Alchemy they have a crossover strategy that includes filters for MACD, RSI and few other indicators.  Might be able to adjust settings to filter out some chop.  I'm thinking its worth a try........


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