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FAZ really moving AH, like to see some follow thru

Posted by joecho on 3rd of Dec 2009 at 05:41 pm

but with some sectors like SMH and XLU breaking out, may be some sector rotation.... still like to see VXX, UUP and DZZ break out above 50dma before shorting...

don't fight the trend..

Any body know why TNA dropped 13% but TZA only gain 1.87%?

Posted by joecho on 20th of Nov 2009 at 01:51 pm

and EDC dropped 15% where as EDZ gained only 1%???  I thought these were suppose to be inversely correlated.  Please adv. tks

seeing the way some of the prices have fallen, like FAZ from $1000 to $20, EDZ from $80 to $5.50 .. i am just curious.

wow! and yesterday was a big up day!


Posted by joecho on 10th of Nov 2009 at 03:29 pm

this AIG gets filled also. the mkt is pretty illogical.  PCLN going over $200!!! crazy!! with unemployment rate at over 10%, who is travelling these days???

I heard from Rick Santelli the other day on CNBC making a comment, I thought it was pretty funny.  He said "when unemployment hit 8% dow hit 8000, at 9% dow hit 9000, and today at 10% dow hit 10,000, so i guess in order for dow to get to 12,000, we would need 12% unemployment rate." lol. Does the mkt make any sense anymore?

BIDU above $400, AAPL above $200, PCLN over $170, MA above $240... , AIG cud go to $200 in days/wks if it wants to. just seem like money is so cheap and the mm can just drive it all the way up and dump it fast if they want to.

tech stocks after the crash of the bubble in 2000. where they came down hard and did not really get going for almost 3 years later until 2003. may be that's how long it will take for them to play out. who knows.  just a thought.

feels like it's end of 2003 and beginning of 2004 all over again. I think this market will trade more side ways than down.  Unless we see a decisive break out for UUP, VXX, and DZZ, the mkt will continue to go higher. IMHO

This mkt is like a roller coaster!! Hang on!

Posted by joecho on 30th of Oct 2009 at 01:37 pm

2003 -2004 compare to 2009

A interesting comparison

Posted by joecho on 28th of Oct 2009 at 02:29 pm

back in 2003-2004, we were still in the long term uptrend going back to 1980. unfortunately, we broke that last year.


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