EOD mechanical SRS systems

    Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2009 at 04:15 pm

    The End of Day mechanical SRS systems did well today and yesterday, about 8 - 10% yesterday and 8% today, here's a chart

    EOD signals on SRS

    Posted by johnc4b13 on 17th of Mar 2009 at 06:06 pm

    Matt, is it possible that you can post EOD signals? I know that you posted the swing trade signal, but not the EOD signal.


    please advise

    The SRS swing trade signal

    Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2009 at 10:04 pm

    The SRS swing trade signal from yesterday was stopped out today with a profit actually.   The SKF swing system was also stopped out today , but lost a small 3.8% when the 15 SMA crossed the 84 SMA.  3.8% is not bad for an ultra volatile ETF like SKF. 


    At this time, the website is not set up for us to send emails intra day on these systems, maybe in the future that can be done, but right now we are not set up for it.  It's best at this time for you to place the MA's on your own chars, then you will have the signals in real time. 

    Texting signals

    Posted by smarcum99 on 18th of Mar 2009 at 04:34 am

    I have easily set up automatic signals with email alerts that text message my cell phone through my Tradestation account. It works well as I work full time and can't follow the market during the day on a regular basis. It was also pretty easy to edit the 2 line moving averages in Tradestation to those recommended by Matt and Steve. The hardest part is deciding which mechanical system(s) to use, since I am limited by my brokerage account taking 3 days to settle funds. I have to say that I have only been a member of Breakpointtrades for only a few months but am very impressed with Matt and Steve so far.



    I have committed to the

    Posted by bosscanuck on 19th of Mar 2009 at 12:03 pm

    I have committed to the SPX 60MIN  7/21EMA SWING SYSTEM. It am happy with. The strategy I use is aggrasive however, the SPX 60MIN has increased my trading account by 50% since the beginning of last week.

    It chose it because I too still have a fulltime job. The system demands a little less of my time but produces robust profits in this environment. Less whipsaws, less trading, longer holding times and large profits.

    I have considered getting a mobile device but, at this time still don't need it.

    Could you please explane the

    Posted by doctormike on 18th of Mar 2009 at 08:37 am

    Could you please explane the process you went through to get txt messages sent to you from TS? I am a full time trader, but sometimes I step away for a few and miss an entry because the price moved faster than I thought...a warning a few % ahead of time would be nice.

    THanks in advance


    TS Alert for Startegy Order

    Posted by rgoodwin on 18th of Mar 2009 at 10:24 am

    Doc M - I just sent you a PM but I found what you want - and others may want it so here you go.

    Open a Trade Manager Window - click on View > Trade Manager Preferences. There you will see a Notofocation Tab - just set up your alert there.

    Alerts in TS

    Posted by bgwade on 18th of Mar 2009 at 01:43 pm

    You can also right click in a chart windo, select "Format Analysis Techniques" click on "format" then select the alerts tab.  I beleive this works the same way for "Format Strategies" ....

    pm me if you have any problems...




    Posted by rgoodwin on 18th of Mar 2009 at 01:51 pm

    Brian, when I do format staretgies, I do not see an alerts tab or option. TS software told me how to do the alerts using the method I described earlier.  Hey, whatever works right!?


    Posted by bgwade on 18th of Mar 2009 at 10:02 am

    I found a few sites on the web that will send a text/email when certain technical conditions are met....






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