From a trading perspective, today's number has to be bullish.  Let's just assume job gains are tied to massive immigration (for the sake of the argument) and also assume that employment law when it comes to employing ineligible migrants in on hold.  That would leave millions of new people willing to accept jobs at wages that eligible to work Americans otherwise wouldn't accept.  That's great for margins and the market!  Whether it's great for American workers on the whole is something more appropriate for a twitter discussion.

    If it's true that each person gets a 5K debit card before being released into American cities, at just 5 million migrants, that would be 25 billion almost guaranteed to be spent quickly...further stimulating the economy with debt.

    Imagine how high the average hourly wage number would have jumped if it weren't for the immigration effect? 

    But there was no evidence

    Posted by mastermind on 2nd of Feb 2024 at 10:49 am

    But there was no evidence of those $5k debit cards. Only 3rd hand hearsay from an aspiring Senate candidate in AZ.

    I heard it reported by

    Posted by DigiNomad on 2nd of Feb 2024 at 11:02 am

    I heard it reported by someone touring the border and interviewing migrants. Doesn't mean it's factual, but if you were putting people on buses and dropping them in cities, in what scenario would you not make sure they had some money to spend? Can you imagine the outrage by the cities receiving them if they were literally starving in the streets? They wouldn't do it that way....just common sense. 

    Pretty simple really. Keep adding

    Posted by brophy on 2nd of Feb 2024 at 10:37 am

    Pretty simple really. Keep adding gov't jobs, and offer student loan forgiveness to ensure cont'd applicants. and your ttl. employment numbers will never go down. 


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