Of course, right after I post, the system generates one of the few failed trades I've seen in a while. It happens with all systems, but it's guaranteed if I publicly suggest a strategy   

    DigiNomad - got this message

    Posted by craigm on 23rd of Mar 2023 at 02:01 pm

    DigiNomad - got this message when i tried to view your chart. I have a free TV account. If others can see it guess that's why I can't. Thoughts?

    We can't open this chart layout for you

    If you're the owner of this chart layout then you need to log in to be able to see it.

    If you wish to see someone else's chart layout, then please ask the owner to enable chart layout sharing, or to publish it by clicking the Publish Idea button.

    I am getting the same

    Posted by generic on 23rd of Mar 2023 at 02:02 pm

    I am getting the same error.

    Use the one I posted

    Posted by mugsy on 23rd of Mar 2023 at 02:09 pm

    Use the one I posted a little while ago


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