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Timebandit, I was curious, could

VIX intra day views

Posted by generic on 12th of Oct 2023 at 02:05 pm

Timebandit, I was curious, could you share your chart so that I could learn from your trade.

Is it too late to

Posted by generic on 30th of Jun 2023 at 12:56 pm

Is it too late to start using KISS STS ?  I have not used KISS STS as it took me some time to understand it. I am still not clear on the entry trigger for it. I have been checking the table for 'New Longs' I hope that is the right way. Wondering if there are other folks in the same situation as me. I would love to learn on how they are using the tool. 

There seems to be a

sharp bounce here last 10 min

Posted by generic on 24th of Mar 2023 at 10:58 am

There seems to be a lag between trading view and my TD Ameritrade it coz I have free Trading view account ?

I am getting the same error.

you do this on a 3 min chart ? How much $$ do you typically target per contract of this spread ?

I struggle with trading the Heikin chart as the bar size in them is different from the real bar size. Any guidance on how to enter/exit would be greatly appreciated.

Could you please share the link. 

Does the 15 min Symmetry

SPX 30 min

Posted by generic on 24th of Jan 2022 at 02:13 pm

Does the 15 min Symmetry that we went above now become support ?

An idea that comes to mind is a radar screen that would be able to show a grid of all the trades in one place.

The backtesting number look really

McClellan Systems update

Posted by generic on 19th of Aug 2021 at 12:45 am

The backtesting number look really good v/s regular, how far back did you back test the data.

Could you please confirm if

dividend plays up today

Posted by generic on 1st of Mar 2021 at 12:14 pm

Could you please confirm if its QLYD or QYLD ?

Thanks for all the work you do. I shall follow the system, if the trade did not trigger, I shall wait. I want trading to become boring.

Oh Brother !!!

major catastrophe today,

Posted by generic on 12th of Aug 2019 at 10:16 am

Oh Brother !!!

Steve : Can you please

SPX 5 min

Posted by generic on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 12:03 pm

Steve : Can you please post the VWAP chart that you are referring to, I am curious to see how it looks.

Interesting. Could you please share


Posted by generic on 21st of Jun 2017 at 12:42 pm

Interesting. Could you please share your reason/analysis for this trade.

Matt, This is great. Can

Typical Trend Day

Posted by generic on 20th of Jun 2017 at 10:23 am

Matt, This is great. Can you please tag this under "education" topic so that we can refer to it in the future.

Nice improvement, Thanks Matt.

I also took the trade,

AAPL System possible trade

Posted by generic on 15th of Jun 2017 at 07:47 pm

I also took the trade, would love an update.

Looking fwd to it :)


Posted by generic on 25th of Apr 2017 at 11:34 am

Looking fwd to it :)

Found it..its 25 (Standard settings)


Posted by generic on 27th of Mar 2017 at 10:23 am


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