I don't understand this premise: "having massive inflation (reality is 20% to 60%) whilst the USD was rocketing upward, is a double bad sign for our real economy."

    As investors, we've been conned into believing that a weak dollar is good for the USA.  It's NOT! It's nonsense. It's just beneficial to the very large multinational companies that we've grown accustomed to investing in.  The dollar is kicking ass. Throw a party.  Go on a vacation to Europe. The world is our oyster and a strong dollar blunts the effects of dollar denominated commodity inflation. The elites on CNBC that have friends and family running fortune 500 companies want a weaker dollar...but it's not because it's beneficial for you and me.

    "As investors, we've been conned

    Posted by brophy on 27th of Oct 2022 at 04:11 pm

    "As investors, we've been conned into believing that a weak dollar is good for the USA." Not sure that's true. I don't believe it, for one. Though a weaker dollar is good for big tech obviously. Bf you're getting your investment advice from CNBC I would strongly suggest you look elsewhere. Like all over the web, for instance.

    Thanks, Steve. One of these

    Posted by mdgfain on 27th of Oct 2022 at 03:32 pm

    Thanks, Steve. One of these years, I may start seeing these patterns ion my own!


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