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Credit to yourself Steve and

China Names Updated

Posted by vimal on 28th of Jul 2023 at 10:36 am

Credit to yourself Steve and to Matt. The trade ideas you post are good. I do not follow them enough to be honest but they are good picks for sure.

It's perfectly fine at my end. Try listening on a different device. See if it makes a difference at your end. 

Yep. I use MT5 daily. It looks pretty "basic". Not like TS or TV for example. I can code Easylanguage and Pine but have not really got the hang of Metaeditor programming. 

My suggestion is to download the platform and then as part of the process, you usually have to register on the MT Forum. This forum is rich in resource, cheap coders, trade ideas, platform tips etc. You can post your queries re: Coding (Think its C+ language)

Give it a go. Its free to download and try on a demo account

Just as FYI, the difference between MT4 & MT5 is that MT5 opens up trading for stocks and ETFs aswell whereas MT4 is vanilla just focusing on FX, Core commodities and Indices. So go for MT5. Its tutti frutti rather than plain vanilla   

If being short was part of a plan, then its fine. I was also short today but its part of one of my swing trading short term strategies and the PFs are good so I am not worried about today. 

Its being short on an uncontrolled basis which I would think is rough. And I, just like most others have been in that boat (long time ago). Key is to have a plan, Risk & Money Management and strategies that work. Then I personally blank everything else out as I trust the strategies

That's my pennies worth so hope it helps!

Well done Steveo!!! Some good

XP nice

Posted by vimal on 18th of Jul 2023 at 12:58 pm

Well done Steveo!!! Some good news to journal for sure!! 

That's a good approach. We'll done!! Keep it up.

Journalling is time consuming but sadly essential as you know. My buddy has been a trading psychologist for 25 years working with all major houses and has written many books. His suggestion to me is to write down ( rather than type) your journal. 

Something in the mind triggers differently with pen and paper

Anyway, just a thought from him FWIW

Watch your blood pressure Matt. It's my opinion and if you don't agree then great for you

Call me sceptical. With trendlines, rear view mirror is always easier. I could have drawn both the up and downtrend RSI lines differently getting me in and out at different places. 

So there is one called COFF.L

I think this is traded on the LSE as its got the London "L" after it in Stockcharts

I mapped correlation to $COFFEE and it looks like 0.99 or higher. So pretty much mirrors the underlying

Basing pattern. Decent volume today.

Posted by vimal on 29th of Jun 2023 at 03:53 pm

Basing pattern. Decent volume today. With these basing patterns, I never know whether price spikes are clear rejection or just part of the course in a rounded bottom .

Bull flag look to CRH?

Posted by vimal on 27th of Jun 2023 at 10:18 am

Bull flag look to CRH? Would draw on the flag but my mouse is not working today! Probably its day off to find cheese or something.

Potentially a short here? Messy

Posted by vimal on 26th of Jun 2023 at 02:47 pm

Potentially a short here? Messy chart but trendline broken. Some form of backtest and indicators look a bit iffy(!)

Risky play. Basing around here

Posted by vimal on 26th of Jun 2023 at 12:29 pm

Risky play. Basing around here for the past month but large volume today. Announced some research funding injection I think....


Thank you for the quick reply. Yes I was torn on that. The flag versus what seemed to be rejection of a move higher. I guess it may need more time here to build. ...if it is to head higher. Otherwise, look for the next one. Speaking of which....I think Steve had this overnight. Inverse H&S building?

Hi. Looking for anyones comments

Posted by vimal on 16th of Jun 2023 at 02:19 pm

Hi. Looking for anyones comments on this stock. Any good in terms of technical set up? Or is the flag not "long enough" timewise?


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