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There's no set stop for Trend/pllback on MES, right?

Hi Matt, Will it be possible to see an equity line of the performance of the KISS, for the QQQ and SPY, to make a confrontation vs. Buy&Hold. (possibly points only test, no compounding equity curve).  Thank you.

Hi Matt, please, why 2 contracts are open on the BPT Mechanical System if that was a 1st entry? (- " For 1st entries I show 1 contract, 2 for 2nd entries, and 3 for 3rd entries. ")

Why 2 contracts are open

Posted by vicky on 22nd of Jul 2024 at 03:48 pm

Why 2 contracts are open on the BPT Mechanical System if that was a 1st entry? (- " For 1st entries I show 1 contract, 2 for 2nd entries, and 3 for 3rd entries. ")

I believe yesterday's KISS entry

Posted by vicky on 27th of Jun 2024 at 02:59 am

I believe yesterday's KISS entry on Amazon at 187,44 was unrealistic: it looks like it is made up in hindsight. Was there a pivot at that level? So why didn't it thigger Monday or Tuesday when the same area was crossed intraday (unsuccesfully) several times? The problem is that we do not get to see  the pre-set entry levels, but only the STS. Thus I do not trust the KISS system. Which is a problem, to me and to Matt who is complaining few people are using it,  beacause I'd love to, but the entry levels are nor clear (to me).

Is the 2nd entry on

Posted by vicky on 17th of Apr 2024 at 05:10 pm

Is the 2nd entry on MES future confirmed?

There might be a problem

Posted by vicky on 9th of Jan 2024 at 11:39 am

There might be a problem of communication regarding the Mean Reversion Trading Systems. As of yesterday morning in the ES section there were "only" 3 positions opened, 1 for each System. Today I saw there were 6 open! Congrats for the call, but I just received 1 alert-notification via email Friday morning. When had the alert for the other 3 been sent and how? Thank you.

Hello, Can anyone tell me

Posted by vicky on 18th of May 2023 at 08:47 am
  • Hello, Can anyone tell me how Smart Trailing Stops are meant to be used... Are these hard stops, or the close of the day is what matters regardless of what happens intraday? Thanks.

Posted by vicky on 18th of May 2023 at 08:43 am

I see no open DVDS

systems update

Posted by vicky on 21st of Feb 2023 at 04:12 pm

I see no open DVDS or any other open shorts. . .When was it issued? Why isn't it on the systems page?

Thanks Matt. I read the

ES systems short

Posted by vicky on 25th of Oct 2022 at 12:18 pm

Thanks Matt. I read the Sept 28 post on stops. I am emotionless. Infact I am not trading.  I just wanted to know what the procedure is, the one you use to close the position and calculate profit and loss, without using hindsight. I am finding out it is subjective and not suggested by the trading system. That makes me wonder what makes you declare a position closed (obviously in real time to avoid the hindsight issue). Thanks again. 

Sorry guys, I am new

ES systems short

Posted by vicky on 25th of Oct 2022 at 11:24 am

Sorry guys, I am new to the system... Question: Are stop losses pre-defined/ pre-set, or do we wait for the system to trade and Matt will notify us by mail? Thank You. Cheers

Matt, why don't you send

ES system closed out today

Posted by vicky on 24th of Jul 2014 at 03:17 pm

Matt, why don't you send the signals over just to us guys residing outside the US ?!

...BPT Ma delux is no

Monday Newsletter

Posted by vicky on 13th of May 2014 at 05:09 am

...BPT Ma delux is no longer a Beta T.S ?! Good! :)

 Matt, as you often say, I actually paid for my 6 month membership (just renewed) with this present SPY Pro trade alone... I wanted to let you know ;)  I am aware we cannot always win, but so good! Cheers, mate! Marco

...have you backtested your "rebalancing" strategy?

Wait, wait...BPT was not in the market back in 2000, and paint dry is 'optimized' to work with those ol' data, ex post ! :)

...broke HnS AND Trenline

CVX Chevron

Posted by vicky on 19th of Feb 2014 at 01:54 pm

Gas..+ a continent which is


Posted by vicky on 19th of Feb 2014 at 01:51 pm

Gas..+ a continent which is getting smaller. Anyway all the mess is made within Ukranians, no such interference by Europe

It broke a H&S formation

CVX Chevron

Posted by vicky on 19th of Feb 2014 at 01:43 pm

It broke a H&S formation just few days ago; now it's testing the neckline, probably due to this new...


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