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Gold is bullish, miners not so much.

I think we bounce around

Posted by ssaffer on 26th of Mar 2020 at 08:58 pm

I think we bounce around until the tgt 2800-3000 for wave 4. 

$VIX.   Would like to see

Posted by ssaffer on 26th of Mar 2020 at 04:38 pm

$VIX.   Would like to see it break 55 for a more sustained rally.  

End of day short covering.

SPX 5 min

Posted by ssaffer on 26th of Mar 2020 at 04:37 pm

End of day short covering.   

Agreed.   We are in a corrective bounce until proven otherwise.  Covid-19 has not been cured yet.  


Posted by ssaffer on 26th of Mar 2020 at 11:48 am


SPX 2558 tgt met on

Posted by ssaffer on 26th of Mar 2020 at 11:47 am

SPX 2558 tgt met on 60 min.  

DUST@2.06 this morning.  

Posted by ssaffer on 26th of Mar 2020 at 11:45 am

DUST@2.06 this morning.  

He is done.   No clue on how supply/demand works.  

plus laws supposed to change this November that you will not need to get a medical card to buy at a dispensary in most states.   Then get home delivery.    

Vix didn't sell off with

Posted by ssaffer on 25th of Mar 2020 at 03:36 pm

Vix didn't sell off with today's move.  Just some caution.  

My two core positions for 2020 will be  TBT and UUP.   I think bonds, junk bonds especially are going to blow up.  Rates are going up.   That will directly impact the markets as the Bond market is King.  The markets are a derivative of the  debt market.  

APRN.  Get your apron on.  

Posted by ssaffer on 25th of Mar 2020 at 02:25 pm

APRN.  Get your apron on.  

It is a new world order.  They do not want you buying up coins, run on the banks or buying Bitcoin.  

My long term portfolio strategy

Posted by ssaffer on 25th of Mar 2020 at 01:09 pm

My long term portfolio strategy for 2020.  I am building positions in TBT and UUP.  I believe after 40 years of a bull market in bonds, we might have seen a top for quite some time.  The Fed is trying to suppress rates but it is not working of late.    The charts are telling that story too.   This is just my opinion.   

Good work!

PRED update

Posted by ssaffer on 25th of Mar 2020 at 01:06 pm

Good work!

HK impressive.  They are not letting any foreigners in and shutdown their borders once a couple of cases were reported.  They dealt with SARS back in the day so they were much better prepared than us.  I was shocked to see that Mardis Gras still went down.  That's not good.  

$USD.   The trend is

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Mar 2020 at 08:42 pm

$USD.   The trend is up and very bullish.   Soon I will start a core position around the 10 day ma/Daily chart.   UUP.   Its a boring play but I like boring positions with no feeding frenzies.  I like Gold and Silver but there is way too much enthusiasm right now.  I think the metals chop  around for a while.    

May fill the gap tomorrow

ES Resistance 2470-72

Posted by ssaffer on 24th of Mar 2020 at 07:13 pm

May fill the gap tomorrow am before the next up move or if the stimulus bill is not passed - could see a deeper move down.   Or a deal is done before the open and see how the market reacts to it (sell the news or buy the news), kind of like a Fed day. 


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