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$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 12:47 pm

Silver intra-day in a tight channel, low risk buy at the low, and maybe a 'Hammer' at the close today plotting a fake break of the 'Ledge' and a final shakeout/? ...

Where do you think...

Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 10:08 am will end up?

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 09:57 am

Failed at the down-trend line (Blue Dotted) and the ratio upper channel line and RSI resistance line...

Silver is down 3.3%!!!

Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 09:55 am

Don't Sweat...Remember its 'Smack-down Tuesday'

As of now 'Ledge' Support has been breached, along with key ratio support lines, will be interesting to see where it closes on the day, but a brutal decline down towards $10, would relieve a lot of frightened Silver holders of their stash....

Debt = Bondage...

Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 05:47 am

SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 6th of Jul 2015 at 01:54 pm

See if it can crack the upper line and 10/MA...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 6th of Jul 2015 at 01:38 pm

Back-testing the 'Triangle' and the ratio to GLD on the second chart needs to breakout of the down-trend channel...

SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 1st of Jul 2015 at 04:58 pm

At the low of the 'Wedge' and Ledge support along with Ratio supports...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 1st of Jul 2015 at 04:51 pm

'H&S' almost at its objective, while ratios at potential supports...

$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 30th of Jun 2015 at 11:34 am

Ooops!!...Sharp reversal from below the 'Wedge'...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 30th of Jun 2015 at 09:57 am

See if it can bounce from below the lower line of the 'Wedge' and the S2 Support...



Posted by saturn6 on 30th of Jun 2015 at 09:54 am

Gold Silver and Miners under pressure again. But rememebr there is the qtryly options expiration today, and may be why the Greece debacle has had little or no impact.

A 'Straddle' may be a good option as Silver decides which way to go, if it loses the ledge then $10-11 will come into view, as it would have failed the breakout that was stumped by the 50/Week MA.

The daily SLV is at the lower BB with divergences so as I say a 'Straddle' may be the safest bet here...


Puerto Rico - Who do they owe the money too?...

Posted by saturn6 on 29th of Jun 2015 at 03:30 pm

Not much mention of this in the MSM

Puerto Rico.... can no longer make payments... on its $73 billion in debt,
- according to Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla,

"The debt is not payable ... there is no other option.
- This is not politics,
- this is ...math,"
Garcia Padilla

Could be...

Yellow Peril...

Posted by saturn6 on 29th of Jun 2015 at 03:13 pm

I am very good friends with my Chinese Take Away owner...Does that help me?

Yellow Peril...

Posted by saturn6 on 29th of Jun 2015 at 03:09 pm

The Chinese are coming...

A must read

I like it.

UUP - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 29th of Jun 2015 at 01:18 pm

Struggling at the 50/DMA. Potential 'H&S' too!!...

$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 29th of Jun 2015 at 01:12 pm

Same here!!...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 29th of Jun 2015 at 01:08 pm

See if it goes up from here and how far...


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