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GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 28th of May 2015 at 11:44 am

GLD - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 28th of May 2015 at 11:30 am

SPX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 28th of May 2015 at 11:24 am

Stops to entry...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 28th of May 2015 at 09:57 am

Starting a long position...

Can't blame anyone else, it was your decision alone to enter the trade therefor it is you who is responsible. Is the person who recommended it still in?

You have your exit plan...but bear in mind the Bullish 'Wedge' with divergence on te 60Min which may or may not play out...

Do you have an exit plan?

Considering the current state of affairs it seems mad to me not to have physical PM's...'

Suffice it to say, were we receiving the current news of today just 15 years back, the financial and social worlds would have been in outright panic.'

Bill Holter

Your chap mentions the ARCA  Gold Miners Index (GDM) represented by the ETF GDX and then shows a chart of the $HUI??

Remember the $HUI is un-hedged gold miners index where the three largest proponents account for 45% so predominantly large cap. And could be at a support in here. While GDX gold and silver miners ETF is medium capped biased.

Personally - Was stopped out of GDX for a profit and I am still long the Juniors...

that Gold bottomed at the same time the Transports threw up a Dow Theory non confirmation?

Interesting perspective on PM's...

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 01:05 pm

Apart from the $USD...

Hard to believe ?

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 11:45 am

Where it is at roughly the same plot as 1915 Lol

Gold - Long Term perspective

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 10:37 am

Who needs interest on an investment like this?...


SPX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 10:33 am

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 10:06 am


Silver is a special metal - Aden Sisters...

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 09:45 am

It doesn't need to produce income, it is a store of value and always has been throughout history, until the bankers said they would safeguard it for you and issue an IOU, the it all went pear shaped.

For as we know they issued more IOU's than there was Bullion, and eventually even leased out the bullion held in storage.

All a scam - A game of musical chairs, and when the music stops only the one holding the goods collects the gains, ALL THE OTHERS WILL REALISE THEY HAVE BEEN HAD!

SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 08:53 am

Cot Money...

Silver is a special metal - Aden Sisters...

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 08:50 am

Selling futures buying physical.

There are many reasons why silver will go higher and it’s just a matter of time. And as our dear friend Richard Russell points out, JP Morgan is aggressively accumulating physical silver by the hundreds of millions of ounces.

This is the largest accumulation of physical silver by a private entity in history!

Plus, it’s three times the 100 million ounces acquired by the Hunt Brothersin 1980 or by Warren Buffett in 1998.

Some of you may remember when the Hunt Brothers tried to corner the silver market at the peak in 1980 when silver soared to the $50 level. It was a wild moment. And today is even more wild.

USD - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 05:01 am

Silver is a special metal - Aden Sisters...

Posted by saturn6 on 27th of May 2015 at 04:36 am

It always has been. And on a value basis, it’s also a good buy. Silver has been chugging more than gold but once it pops up, it could take off like a bandit.


I don't buy Plat...

SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 26th of May 2015 at 01:31 pm

But I would highly recommend accumulating physical PM's at these low levels. $PLAT Needs to get through the 20/Week = 100/DMA first and foremost, but it has a bullish wkly McD and is at support looking at the weekly line chart.

TF Metals Report: Bullion banks now.... short 350%....

Posted by saturn6 on 26th of May 2015 at 12:54 pm

...of all Comex gold and silver stocks

Bullion bank shorting of gold and silver on the New York Commodities Exchange has reached grotesque levels, the TF Metals Report's Ferguson writes tonight 350 percent of the total available supplies of gold and silver reported in Comex warehouses.

He notes that while the big banks lately have been prosecuted for and have admitted rigging markets in...
- London-based interest rates,
- currencies,
- industrial metals,
- energy,
and equities,

There have been no prosecutions and admissions of big banks for rigging the gold and silver markets.

(I think it was Nixon - that said - "When the government does it - it's not illegal")


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