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Silver Eagles Fetching 80% Premium to GBP Spot...

Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 01:27 pm

Cheers wowten!!...

New lows EGO/HMY just awful bearmarket

Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 01:11 pm

SLV - I was tempted to cash in a third as it has moved uo 80 points for me, but will hang in and see if it can reach the upper line on the 60Min, as it has recovered the 'Ledge' as I had expected, and the indicators and ratio look promising.

Stops are in profit now...

May not mean much...

US - Under Intense Cyber Attack...

Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 12:55 pm

but it does matter...As eg, we never seem to have such issues when up-trending.

are being primed to detest each other if you ask me. I wonder why?

I do trade the charts and go to some effort and valuable time to post them here giving clear and concise commentary on entries.

Admittedly I may not be that active of late as I was away for 4 weeks and I have not been actively trading that much since my return.


New lows EGO/HMY just awful bearmarket

Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 10:25 am

Only if you are un-hedged long ...Lol!!

Buy the physical while you can...Bank of Greece stop sales when they were needed most...

I heard the Stock Market was shut down to prevent selling while the Metals Market was shut down to prevent buying.

I see there are divergences emerging for physical over spot price, esp for large orders. If you can get it.

It's coming!!

Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 06:29 am

Who really knows?

US - Under Intense Cyber Attack...

Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 06:02 am

Although coupled with China lending money to investors to buy stocks and a short selling ban, how long will it be before selling your stocks becomes a criminal offense? Lol The press are apparently not permitted to use the word selling in China now.

What was it really?...Who knows.
Stopped a lot of open trades. A big sell off. China won't allow that & now NY just switches the off button!
Stay physical. It's safest.Like tsurplus mentioned earlier...'"Hotel California" syndrome -- you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave'


US - Under Intense Cyber Attack...

Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 03:48 am

Fascinating live map of China vs St. Louis cyber war, every so often there is a coordinated multiple blast from the East...

I am not saying this is what happened on the NYSE yesterday...personally I think the market was unplugged just as it was about to drop dramatically.

...all markets...Stocks bonds currencies and so on.


$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 8th of Jul 2015 at 11:06 am

Up 50 points & holding the advance so far - Although I would prefer one huge drop to $9 or $10 to get better positioned, but I'll take what I can get here with an in profit stop.

At the lower channel line on the ratio...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 8th of Jul 2015 at 10:57 am

...and at support on the SPX ratio - with divergences on price...

Some confuse sight and vision...Having sight doesn't guarantee you will have the capacity to interpret and to understand (Vision)

Or putting it more simply cannot see the wood for the trees.

Is this related to what Andrew Maguire is talking about on KWN, that open interest contracts in silver have spiked this year from 150 to 200K, and that swap dealers have transferred this massive naked short position onto "managed money or hot money funds"?

"GOOD LORD!...One needs to give ones head a shake if one can't see Gold and Silver are at absolute bargain prices here and now" A Maguire

Zero Hedge reports that further

Posted by saturn6 on 8th of Jul 2015 at 03:27 am

Zero Hedge reports that further analysis of the latest quarterly report of the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency discloses
- that precious metals derivatives,..... excluding gold,
- held by Citigroup

- have exploded
- and that the investment bank likely.... has cornered the silver market,

which likely explains the metal's failure to respond to the international financial turmoil, just as gold has failed to respond to it.


The big question, Zero Hedge notes, is:..... Who is Citigroup's counterparty?

Here's betting the U.S. Treasury Department and Federal Reserve know but won't be telling.

1260% increase in Precious Metals derivative holdings in the past quarter, from just $3.9 billion to $53 billion! EXCLUDING GOLD...



Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 03:46 pm

By Fox Hu
Bloomberg News
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Chinese companies have found a guaranteed way to prevent investors from selling their shares:

.... suspend trading.

Almost 200 stocks... halted trading.... after the close on Monday,
- bringing the total number of suspensions.... to 745,
- or 26 percent
- of listed firms on mainland exchanges,
according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Most of the halts are by companies listed in Shenzhen, which is dominated by smaller businesses.

The suspensions have locked up..... $1.4 trillion of shares,

- or 21 percent ....of China's market capitalization,

$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 03:37 pm

The US Mint has just notified Authorized Dealers that it is ENTIRELY SOLD OUT of Silver Eagles, and WILL NOT TAKE FURTHER ORDERS UNTIL AUGUST 2015! 


No! - Roger...

$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 03:01 pm

I meant what I said 'Burglars Dog' as in a burglar who sends his dog in through a small opening to retrieve something from inside. And not as the pub crawl in Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Or 'Cat' Burglar.

Don't fret Matt...Being Nimble is key...

$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 7th of Jul 2015 at 02:14 pm

I am in and out like a burglars dog playing short term...but only longs, as I feel a short squeeze is imminent.

And when it comes I think it will be quite staggering...for now I am being patient.

I am also invested in other areas such as Nuclear, Energy and Ags Also looking at coal sector...but don't have the time to update all my positions.


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