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GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 26th of Jun 2015 at 12:20 pm

I do like miners in here and am making the obligatory purchases...

$Silver - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 26th of Jun 2015 at 12:15 pm

Getting close to a point of interest. I would like to see a dip to below the lower BB and the blue dotted line before an advance - But the 'Wedge' seen better on the intra-day may suggest the low is in....

Back at my desk ...

Posted by saturn6 on 24th of Jun 2015 at 01:42 pm

..pleasantly refreshed and recharged for another round of market participation until the end of August ;-))

Nice to see Silver still having record open interest and the banks swinging long while the specs are entering into more and more shorts. I can see the trap set that has them lured in,,,poor souls.

Off back to Jandia beach now...

Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 01:25 pm

Bond Bubble....

Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 01:18 pm

Gosh!! ...Greece to nationalise the banks???

Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 01:06 pm

Greece played Germany like a Violin. Syria demands Icelandic type default.

by Mish Shedlock


All while China...

Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 01:03 pm

Bank of China Ltd. will become the first Chinese bank to join
- the auction process
- that sets gold prices.... in the London market.

The bank, along with seven other lenders, will start participating in the twice-daily electronic auction, according to a statement from the London Bullion Market Association on Tuesday.
- While China is the world's largest bullion buyer,
- it has never directly played a role determining London gold prices.


Should demonstrate - If China - has just been a player all along
- "in the London... Game" ... or perhaps ...not

Could seasonality....

Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 01:01 pm

provide the desire to push off from the back-test?...

According To Bank of America, NB

66 Days to go?....

Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 12:54 pm

According To Bank of America,

NB Now - Criticising the Fed Not Just - Once (Above) but.... Twice (Below)
- Is someone there - looking for a - swan dive - or what ??

This Is "The Biggest Risk To Global Equities"

"While most are focused on the risks around a withdrawal of liquidity, we believe the biggest hit to confidence could be the opposite: if another round of US QE is necessary to prop up the economy,"
- BofAML says, suggesting the Fed now cornered
- as raising rates risks..... destabilizing markets and...
- QE4 risks.... betraying the.... futility....
- of successive ....central bank interventions

66 Days to go?....

Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 12:49 pm

Bank Of America Begins 66-Day Countdown Until.... The "Ghost Of 1937" Returns

The last time the Fed tried to exit a period of massive balance sheet expansion coupled with ZIRP - back in 1937
- its strategy..... completely failed.

The Fed tightening in H1’37 was followed in H2’37 by a severe recession and...
- a 49% ....collapse in the Dow Jones.

This is the ghost of 1937 and....... it is about to make a repeat appearance.


Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 12:41 pm

Conspiracy or not....The devil is in the detail....' The COMEX Commitment of Traders report for positions at the close of trading on Tuesday June 9th showed that 18,028 short contracts were covered by commercial traders. That is one of the largest changes in the history of COMEX silver. It comes 3 weeks after 19,706 short contracts were added by commercial traders (at the close of trading on Tuesday May 19th), also one of the largest changes ever. According to the latest data, open interest stands at 189,524 contracts, the highest in history, and equal to the previous top set in Q1 of 2008.

So far despite everything Silver holds $16....

Posted by saturn6 on 16th of Jun 2015 at 03:08 pm

Dave Kranzler

Kranzler Explains Why Silver Manipulation Right Now is the MOST EXTREME IN HISTORY!

•Silver Open Interest Soars Over 191,000,
- Highest Open Interest... EVER !
- 1 B Oz of Paper vs 50 M oz of Physical!

•Cartel is losing control of the market- UTTERLY FAILING in This Week’s Attempts to Smash Silver Under 16!
•Greek Crisis Nears End-Game- Greek Depositor Bail-in & Capital Controls This Weekend?

•London Source
- London Will Be Out of Silver to Send to Refiners
- By Sept/Oct!

•Silver & the Shares Will Be the Best Performing Assets of 2015- Big Money Expecting MUCH HIGHER Prices!



Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jun 2015 at 02:44 pm

Jetting off..

Posted by saturn6 on 30th of May 2015 at 05:12 am

I am off to the Canaries for a month so will only be popping back briefly throughout as am having a complete break.


Who would want to be short such a huge position when the price is 70% below its high?

'May 19th report indicated that 8 traders in COMEX silver futures held a net short position of 376 million equivalent ounces of silver, by far the most of any commodity in terms of world production (163 days). With silver prices at current low levels, it is puzzling why the concentrated short position would be so large.'

Something doesn't stack up.

STAGGERING!!...More managed money contracts were bought and more commercial contracts were sold in COMEX silver and gold futures than ever in the more than 30 year history of the COT report.




Posted by saturn6 on 29th of May 2015 at 10:12 am

I were the elite - I would like as much oil as possible on shore and parked in tankers offshore in as many diverse places as I could
- if nothing else it will keep as much martial law... mobile.. for the time it takes
- until some sort of order was restored and infrastructure put in place
- so that I spent as little time as possible... couped up a mile or two underground

3 min... hint of what is "parked up" (That's just - one- spot)

Another one - spot
ffwd - to app 1 min in

That's just TWO - there are lots and lots more.


SLV - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 29th of May 2015 at 06:26 am

See if it will bounce from here... although I feel there may be some pressure for a few days still perhaps...Accumulating still, for if the huge shorts get squeezed it could go bionic...

USD - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 29th of May 2015 at 03:37 am

'Tri Star' Daily at the upper channel line 62%Fib and outside the upper BB.

Lower time-frames yet to reach the higher objectives...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 28th of May 2015 at 01:34 pm

Moved stops to entry...

Giant Bear Flag?//......No!...

GDX - Latest...

Posted by saturn6 on 28th of May 2015 at 12:17 pm

...Until support is lost I see it as an immediate up-trend.


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