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Thanks Matt !!

Are there some supply zones

Posted by rmoore100 on 5th of May 2023 at 02:44 pm

Are there some supply zones coming up ?

DeMark 9 on the 5

Posted by rmoore100 on 27th of Apr 2023 at 03:05 pm

DeMark 9 on the 5 minute VIX with the VIX now going up with this last push up in the S&P.   Interesting.

Big Thumbs Up here Matt.  Would sure like to see this one added to your Systems !!!!    Great Work.......Thanks !!!!!!!!

Thanks Matt !!!    I'm able to copy your Trading View Chart, then pull up the copy which allows me to change great.   I have the Premier version which allows for up to six timeframe charts on one screen.   Recommend this to those out there who are interested in the Trading View charts.  Not really very pricey.   Thanks again Matt !!!!!

Matt, could you place the Trading View link to this daily and 135 side by side chart out on the blog ?     Thanks !!!

Thanks Matt for this Trading

Posted by rmoore100 on 15th of Mar 2023 at 12:08 pm

Thanks Matt for this Trading View link !!!!!!     Sure Appreciate it !!!!!!!!!!!

Matt, on the 15 minute

ES 15 min

Posted by rmoore100 on 14th of Mar 2023 at 07:17 pm

Matt, on the 15 minute do you give more weight to a 13 remark or the A…..or roughly the same?    Thanks

Ok, Thanks Steve !!!

BTC hod +2100

Posted by rmoore100 on 13th of Mar 2023 at 11:54 am

Ok, Thanks Steve !!!

Can someone comment on Bitcoin's

BTC hod +2100

Posted by rmoore100 on 13th of Mar 2023 at 11:42 am

Can someone comment on Bitcoin's incredible upswing ?     Bailout applicable to these assets as well ?

FYI:  The "A" on the daily SPX went away by the close.

An "A" seems to be

Posted by rmoore100 on 9th of Mar 2023 at 03:24 pm

An "A" seems to be showing up on the daily SPX.   Will see if it remains through the close.

This should be a huge help to all of us in formulating trades.  Thanks for taking all the time to work this up !!!!!!

Just to make sure I'm

Posted by rmoore100 on 22nd of Feb 2023 at 03:20 pm

Just to make sure I'm properly understanding.....the NASI would've triggered short yesterday ?      Thank You

Matt, I'm still going with your Systems over the ChatGPT machine generated one's.    We will still definitely need You and Steve to stick around and not be replaced by a machine.....ha !!!!!!!      Thanks for sharing all of this !!!!

Thanks timebandit for that observation !!    Appreciate it !!

Ok, Thanks !!

ES systems

Posted by rmoore100 on 24th of Jan 2023 at 04:08 pm

Ok, Thanks !!

Matt, was just curious if

ES systems

Posted by rmoore100 on 24th of Jan 2023 at 04:06 pm

Matt, was just curious if this ES DVDS System trade had closed.    Thanks !!

Matt, hope all is going as well as can be expected with your dad.  I went through similar circumstances a few years ago with both parents.  It’s tough while you’re still working, but certainly the right thing to do.   Appreciate all your tenacity with BPT with what you have going on, and even wife and kids.  Bottom line is take it easy when you can.  Thanks so much for all you do for us and everyone.

Interesting stats with that rare

Posted by rmoore100 on 19th of Jan 2023 at 01:20 pm

Interesting stats with that rare Stoch Revers.  Seems it has caught some pretty large declines.  Was wondering if anyone had any thoughts here where this system has just now activated and we are also about to get into what could be a significant negative Q4 and future guidance period ?    In other words could we be at the precipice of a very major decline?   Any thoughts here?    Thanks !!!!


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