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Certainly would think we might

Posted by rmoore100 on 6th of Sep 2024 at 02:14 pm

Certainly would think we might get an eventual bounce at that SPX weekly 20MA.      There now.

In the High Performance KISS

Posted by rmoore100 on 26th of Aug 2024 at 02:38 pm

In the High Performance KISS there's a trade on MSTR 30 which bought 5/23 at $143.01.   Stops were raised up to $143.38, however now there's a new stop on the trade which came out around 11:00 CST today of $135.61.    So not sure if the stop is being lowered or perhaps this is a bug ?      Anyone else in this trade ?     Thanks !!!!       Matt, this High Performance System is quite amazing.   Thanks so much for all your hard work on this over the months !!!!!!!

Ok, got it.....Thanks Matt and 24kau !!!!    So will just need to wait for that GBTC 39 candle to close, along with the QQQ 195 candle to close.    Thanks again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was just curious regarding the

Posted by rmoore100 on 21st of Aug 2024 at 04:20 pm

Was just curious regarding the High Perf. STS systems:   Just received notice of the GBTC 39 minute system going long.   On the website, the opening price is $49.14, however with $-0- as the STS price.   Same thing with a new QQQ 195 new long where open price is listed as $482.54, however no STS.     Will these STS's just simply populate later this evening or early tomorrow ??     Thanks Matt.....and a Fantastic System you've developed here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another Ditto for Digi !!!    Appreciate all your commentaries and Service to this Country !!!

Matt, that would be great


Posted by rmoore100 on 29th of Jul 2024 at 05:01 pm

Matt, that would be great if you could include this tick indicator and place a TradingView link out there with 6 or so charts.      Thanks !!!

Digi, sorry to be so

Mean Reversion systems update

Posted by rmoore100 on 24th of Jul 2024 at 10:17 pm

Digi, sorry to be so ignorant here, but the 8 day SMA went from about 5583 to 5561 today for the SPX on a 1 day chart.  None of the shorter timeframes ever even came close to those levels.   Again, sorry for my lack of understanding here.     Are you perhaps saying you start with 5583 as a lock-in 8 SMA beginning point for shorter timeframes ?    and if that's the case I'm not sure how to set that up on stockcharts.    Thanks !!!

Digi, when you say close

Mean Reversion systems update

Posted by rmoore100 on 24th of Jul 2024 at 04:56 pm

Digi, when you say close out intra-day (in this case above the 8 SMA) what time-frame are you usually looking at ..... 5, 15, 30 or 60 or other??    Thanks

We are now at the

Posted by rmoore100 on 24th of Jul 2024 at 02:53 pm

We are now at the SPX daily 50 EMA.   Does anyone have any thoughts on whether this might hold ???

Noting SPX right at the

Posted by rmoore100 on 19th of Jul 2024 at 01:19 pm

Noting SPX right at the 200 MA of 5501 on the 60 minute chart.   Perhaps some support here ?

The Think or Swim platform seems to be working for my futures account.   Can't even log-in to StreetSmartCentral.  Can log-in into the main Charles Schwab website, however trading seems to be a no-go.    Anyone else experiencing anything different ??   Guess we need to call in to make a trade (which I'm guessing is also almost impossible ??).

Watched that video, Digi ...... good stuff !!!!     Thanks Again....Appreciate it !!!

Thanks Digi !!!

Regarding the economy, just wanted

Posted by rmoore100 on 15th of Jul 2024 at 01:24 pm

Regarding the economy, just wanted to check that every time, without exception, during the time when the yield curve goes back to normal (10 yr rate higher than 2 yr rate) we have always gone into a recession.    Can someone confirm or correct me on that.     Thanks in advance !!!!

Thanks kab34

Thanks kab34 !!!    When looking at indicators seems there are several Gap Detectors in TradingView.   Which do you use and do you have a particular length/width setting ?     Thanks !!!!!

Steve, is that at 12:00 CST ?

Does anyone know what time

Posted by rmoore100 on 1st of May 2024 at 09:50 pm

Does anyone know what time tomorrow the QRA data will be released ?    Thanks !!

Just checking......all reversion to mean

Posted by rmoore100 on 22nd of Apr 2024 at 04:15 pm

Just checking......all reversion to mean systems still long ?    Nothing closed ?       Thanks Matt !!!!!

Does anyone know what caused

Posted by rmoore100 on 4th of Apr 2024 at 02:36 pm

Does anyone know what caused the rug pull this hour ?       Thanks !!


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