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This GOOGL Vol trade worked out great ..... Thanks Matt !!!

Matt, hope you get to feeling better.   Get some rest this weekend !!!

Certainly agree with you Matt.   I believe the biggest contributing factor to what you've said is that younger investors haven't ever experienced a real major say 57% in 2008.    If you invest in stocks, they will always go up....guaranteed......therefore they have no fear.   Any small declines will eventually be consumed by doubt about it in their minds.   I'm thinking a major major crisis will occur at some point taking everyone by surprise....could be a year or years out, but massive stimulus and government debt to GDP will eventually bring things down.  It only will take some catalyst that no one expects.   When looking at a monthly chart going back, say 30 years, all one has to do is draw a trend line to see how parabolic things have been for the last 15 years, and in particular the last 6 1/2 years.    All in my humble opinion.

Matt, could y'all post a

Posted by rmoore100 on 13th of Jul 2023 at 02:58 pm

Matt, could y'all post a trading view ES supply/demand zone chart.

Was just wondering if anyone

Posted by rmoore100 on 3rd of Jul 2023 at 05:42 pm

Was just wondering if anyone knew if there is a symbol in StockCharts for an EMINI continuous contract ?      Thanks

Fantastic trade on GS over

GS volatility system

Posted by rmoore100 on 29th of Jun 2023 at 05:21 pm

Fantastic trade on GS over the last several days !!!    Thanks Matt !!!       Sure looking forward to all those VOL Systems up and running.   Thanks Again !!!!

Matt, Thanks for that after performing these reviews, 60 and 15 min chart, etc.  if there are no divergences, news, earnings, etc. then it would appear you pull the trigger just before the close ?    Is that correct ?      Thanks !!!!

Are there any significant (white

Posted by rmoore100 on 15th of Jun 2023 at 02:51 pm

Are there any significant (white line in Trading View) supply zones coming up on the ES ?    Thanks !!

This sure looks like a

Posted by rmoore100 on 14th of Jun 2023 at 04:56 pm

This sure looks like a scary chart when viewing the dot.comand financial crisis timeframes.    Different this time ?     Seems like I heard similar talk before in 2000 when everyone was saying PE ratios were unimportant.....rather PS (price to sales) was what really mattered.   In other words, things are different this time from the past.......or are they ????

Matt, was wondering if you

Posted by rmoore100 on 13th of Jun 2023 at 01:48 pm

Matt, was wondering if you could post the link for the ES supply/demand zone chart in tradingview?    Thanks !!!!

Thanks Steve for posting this......some great information.     Where would you suggest is the best place to obtain this data, more in real time, regarding liquidity, in order for us to get a better macro view of what's coming.   And what charts do you feel are the most important.     Thanks Again !!!!

Thanks DigiNomad !!!!    Appreciate that !!!!      Have a great weekend !!!!

Diginomad, was wondering if you've

Posted by rmoore100 on 9th of Jun 2023 at 02:12 pm

Diginomad, was wondering if you've made any adjustments yet on your SPX call credit spreads ?    I was trying to recall what your criteria was for adjs.    Was it when the current loss was twice the amount taken in, or just simply one time (i.e. initial premium received $1.50, now to buy back with a $3.00 loss or to buy back earlier when the buyback itself is $3.00 ?)   Also, I believe you said, for the adjustment, you just double up on the contracts, keep the same expiration, and move the strikes up ?     Thank You

Matt, could you post the

Posted by rmoore100 on 5th of Jun 2023 at 01:10 pm

Matt, could you post the trading view ES supply zones.   Seems the market has passed the link in yellow below.    Thanks very much !!!!!

This is some incredible work Matt.  If you could roll this out in a few weeks, that would be a fantastic add-on to what you and Steve already do !!!       Thanks so much !!!!!!!

Thanks Matt !!


Posted by rmoore100 on 31st of May 2023 at 03:01 pm

Thanks Matt !!

Matt, can you list the


Posted by rmoore100 on 31st of May 2023 at 12:13 pm

Matt, can you list the trading view link for these charts which includes that Nadaraya-Watson Envelope.   Thanks !!!!!!!!!!

Does someone have the fear/greed

Posted by rmoore100 on 28th of May 2023 at 02:57 pm

Does someone have the fear/greed gage number handy ?   Assuming we are still not really close to the extreme greed yet ?     Thanks !!!

Interesting where the NDX appears

Posted by rmoore100 on 26th of May 2023 at 03:36 pm

Interesting where the NDX appears to be right at its 61.8 fib on a monthly chart when tracing from the late 2022 lows back towards the all time high in Dec '21

Are we approaching any ES

Posted by rmoore100 on 17th of May 2023 at 01:43 pm

Are we approaching any ES supply zones of significance ?     Thanks


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