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SOLF_daily.jpg right.  should be more clear


Posted by rjdst on 26th of Mar 2009 at 12:50 pm

right.  should be more clear - I'm looking long-term for swing trade, daily charts over a year.  Definitely had big moves today and wouldn't chase a 30% move.


Posted by rjdst on 26th of Mar 2009 at 12:21 pm

Haven't scaled back into SRS yet; waiting to see if $DJR bounces or not.



Posted by rjdst on 26th of Mar 2009 at 12:19 pm

Yep.  LDK, ESLR, SOLF - nice basing patterns.  FSLR is a little messy, but similar.


Posted by rjdst on 25th of Mar 2009 at 03:33 pm

Forget bounce at 94... that's a ricochet!


off topic last post for the night

Posted by rjdst on 25th of Mar 2009 at 12:14 am

dudette, seriously... give it a rest.  this is a trading forum, not a right-wing pulpit/blog.  besides, i'm afraid you're going to give yourself an aneurism....



Posted by rjdst on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 10:43 am

Keep an eye on it.  Broke above a bearish rising wedge; watch the retest to see if it holds.  60sto have been above 80 for most of the past week. 

Exited a second UYG position

Posted by rjdst on 12th of Mar 2009 at 03:07 pm

Exited a second UYG position with nice gains; immediately switched to SRS.  We'll see if the profit-taking in the last hour pushes it up.

GNW - high risk, high reward

Posted by rjdst on 11th of Mar 2009 at 09:07 am

don't particularly like chasing a stock after a 40% one-day gain, but, the setup does look interesting.

bought a small position given


Posted by rjdst on 10th of Mar 2009 at 04:45 pm

bought a small position given the risk (don't like the credit rating hanging over them), but the UYG trade you suggested cleaned up over the past two days.  Exited today with 23+% gains since yesterday.  Not bad for a 2-day swingtrade.  ;-)

There's no action that could

Posted by rjdst on 4th of Mar 2009 at 09:29 am

There's no action that could stimulate the "recovery" that everyone is seeking, and it's pointless - cathartic perhaps, but pointless - to point the finger at any one or any party.  I agree that the best course of action would be to let it burn; stop trying to triage the dead.  It would be the economic equivalent of the Forest Service's 'let it burn' policy.  But, like the FS policy, the biggest obstacle to implementing that policy is the public's strong distaste for "inaction' in the face of a crisis, even if it's the right course of action. 


If anyone - Obama, Bush, Buffett... - said "my plan is let the weak fail and invest in whomever's left standing", there would be equally strong criticism of that tactic.  I see a lot of people complaining, and read/hear a lot of platitudes, but no one with any real substance behind their alternatives.

Exactly my point - greed


Posted by rjdst on 3rd of Mar 2009 at 11:01 am

Exactly my point - greed is non-partisan, and that's what got us here.  btw...this is posted in the off-topicscategory. 


Anyway... I respect the desire to focus on trading; that's why we're here after all.  But if people can post opinions, others are going to present counter-arguments.    [/end soapbox] 


Getting back to trading...

Who's responsible for the first


Posted by rjdst on 3rd of Mar 2009 at 10:25 am

Who's responsible for the first 5,000points?

re: not only does he not say anything

this is kinda funny

Posted by rjdst on 2nd of Mar 2009 at 05:37 pm

"Full steam ahead whether you like it or not..."  I'm pretty sure you just described the lastadministration to a 'T'.  Civil rights anyone?  Sorry, we don't think it's good for the country.   No WMD?... no worries, invade anyway.    Torture?  Ahhhh...we'll call it "ehanced interrogation techniques".  Yell


And, there was nothing positive about Bush's oratory skills.  "simple and insecure"... is that what you want in the guy running the most powerful country in the world?  "Conciliatory" - as in "I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my style."??   Yes, he was quite the eloquent consensus-builder...


I'm an independent with a 60/40 dem/rep voting record.  The Obama bashing is pretty weak.   Guy's been in office a little over a month.  Expecting a recovery to start in a month?  No person, no action is going to turn this around until it works itself out.  Seems more constructive to whine about the knuckleheads who got us into this mess. 

Personally, I'd much rather see


Posted by rjdst on 26th of Feb 2009 at 11:18 am

Personally, I'd much rather see and hear what he's doing than be in the dark.  Agree or disagree, at least you have the choice to stop listening, and the opportunity to voice your opinion.  Not quite the case with the previous guy. 

To that point, that's just

Posted by rjdst on 14th of Feb 2009 at 12:55 pm

To that point, that's just the list of banks that have alreadyfailed.  From the NY Times, here's a sobering list of banksthat are good candidates to eventually add to the carnage.  No guarantee that the TARP funds will prevent these banks from going under; in many cases, may just be delaying the inevitable.

This is just silly

Posted by rjdst on 10th of Feb 2009 at 09:44 am

From MSNBC: 


Nadya Suleman, the mother of the octuplets born last month, gets $490 a month in food stamps, the Los Angeles Times reported Monday evening. Three of her first children also get federal supplemental security income because they are disabled, the Times reported.


Suleman's publicist, Michael Furtney, confirmed the information.


During an interview with Ann Curry on the TODAY show, Suleman denied being on welfare.... Furtney said Suleman didn't consider the food stamps and SSI to be welfare. "In Nadya's view, the money that she gets from the food stamp program ... and the resources disabilities payments she gets... are not welfare," he said. "They are part of programs designed to help people with need, and she does not see that as welfare."


NBC chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman has estimated the cost of delivering the infants and caring for them until they are healthy enough to leave the hospital at $1.5 million to $3 million.


I'm not sure what's more tragic - the idiotic mindset, the fact that she has a PUBLICIST, or that we're flipping the bill for this nonsense.  Who's paying for her publicist!?!?!


If you're a masochist, you can read the rest on MSNBC.


I'm using Schwab StreetSmart Pro

Posted by rjdst on 9th of Feb 2009 at 03:50 pm

I'm using Schwab StreetSmart Pro - I haven't bothered with setting up SD or Ninja since I'm not a fan of automated trading, at least not during these whippy times.  ;-)

Thanks.  BTW, I have the

Posted by rjdst on 9th of Feb 2009 at 03:37 pm

Thanks.  BTW, I have the 8/71 for observation only; I don't see a cross for a buy signal.  Looks like they kissed at the close of the 15:06 candle, but no cross.


Posted by rjdst on 9th of Feb 2009 at 03:10 pm

5, 15 and 30 minute charts are nearing TL resistance.  60 min chart is retesting broken uptrend line from jan 28th.  Keeping an eye on it, but waiting to see if those trendlines hold or break.

It should be required that all elected / appointed officials be 100% audited every year.  Period.  And have the results published. Transparency is the only way to solve this problem. 


The sense of entitlement in boardrooms is exceeded only the sense of entitlement in DC.  And we're probably exposed to only a very very small % of what actually takes place. 


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