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A lot of YOLO traders

TSLA short term

Posted by rjdst on 9th of Dec 2020 at 10:07 am

A lot of YOLO traders on /wsb and RH.  Not good.  I think one of the best things that can happen to traders early on is to take a few lumps - teaches you that it's not easy, requires skill, humility, objectivity, commitment and patience and, most importantly, a plan.  I'm afraid that if/when this market turns down, people who just started trading in this bizarrro up-only market are going to find themselves without a plan and with a lot of lost profits.

Seeing a hanging man formation on TSLA weekly.

Thanks, Matt.  Any comments about how the Monday gap up impacts the signals?  I've added some on the pullback but with restraint given the open gap.

Thx.  See the potential there.

Sorry, not seeing the H&S pattern there...?

With the wedge, I don't like that it's down that far in the wedge; when they go that far, they seem to fail more frequently.  Also, still no divergence. 

I shorted at $4.80, so maybe time to take another 1/4 off the table in case market continues up and the wedge plays.  I'll wait to see if the 14 Stochastics clear 50, or get rejected again.  Good luck.


Anyone having trouble shorting FAZ in TS?

Posted by rjdst on 15th of Jun 2010 at 03:53 pm

The FAZ 7min EOD mechanical system triggered this morning, but when I checked in on how it was doing, saw that it didn't execute because TS didn't have shares to short.  This had happened several times in the past month. 

Obviously missed out on a very nice trade, but more significantly, I'm wondering if the system is even worth running if shares aren't available reliably.  Maybe set it up to trigger a buy of FAS instead of a short of FAZ? 

Any TS users have similar issues?


Short idea - LVLT

Posted by rjdst on 4th of Mar 2010 at 08:44 am

This is one I've been playing, alternating long and short within the clearly defined triangle.  Bounced off upper trendline yesterday.  Not a fast mover, so easier to manage for those like me with a day job.  But still generates respectable gains. DYODD.


Posted by rjdst on 20th of May 2009 at 01:25 pm

LVLT looks like it finally popped.  unlike last week's fakeout BO, this has more substantial volume behind it.  like to see it get over $1.25.



Posted by rjdst on 20th of May 2009 at 01:02 pm
Right.  I had posted a chart of the $DJR double-bottom on Monday, with a target of ~$135; the corresponding SRS target was around $19.75, give or take.  SRS hit $19.50 this morning as $DJR neared the top of its formation, giving a nice low-risk entry for a swing-trade.  Of course, a swing trade these days can last about 2 hours....


URE Gap Fill

Posted by rjdst on 18th of May 2009 at 03:59 pm

the double top on the 15min SRS chart measures to around $19.75, give or take.  she's getting pretty close.



Posted by rjdst on 18th of May 2009 at 02:43 pm

If this $DJR double bottom formation is valid, it measures to ~$135.  That's why I've avoided it so far today.

screen capture

screen capture

Posted by rjdst on 18th of May 2009 at 02:38 pm

I use Picasa - free from google.  Cool thing is, when you have it open, whenever you hit the 'print-screen' button, it automatically creates an image file.  you can quickly crop it and post it.


Some trade ideas,

Posted by rjdst on 18th of May 2009 at 10:45 am

I've been watching this for a while - closely hugging the trendline working towards the $2 horizontal R.  Volume is pretty light though.  Nice spike on the breakout, but the daily volume is still very light.  Thoughts?

Ratio, Split Screen & Fibs for Stockcharts?

Posted by rjdst on 6th of May 2009 at 04:25 pm

Curtis - create a regular chart for the symbol (e.g, $tick).  Below that chart, under "indicators", select "Price" from the dropdown menu; input the comparison symbol (e.g., $SPX), then select "above" or "below" from the "position" dropdown.  that should do it.

SPX wedge

Posted by rjdst on 7th of Apr 2009 at 03:53 pm

imho, it looks bearish.  Rising wedge with negative divergence; retesting the broken TL as someone else pointed out.


Posted by rjdst on 6th of Apr 2009 at 01:57 pm

Running out of room to maneuver...

SPX wedge

Posted by rjdst on 1st of Apr 2009 at 03:03 pm

I still don't like the


Posted by rjdst on 31st of Mar 2009 at 03:19 pm

I still don't like the setup on SRS yet.  No divergence on the intraday charts, and $DJR is in no-man's land between R levels.  Even if I'm wrong, and I miss a big move on SRS, I'd rather do that than get on the wrong side of it; it's a big mover and I'd rather miss the bus than get run over by it.


Posted by rjdst on 31st of Mar 2009 at 02:45 pm

$DJR broke through TL resistance around 101.  Waiting to see if turns around at horizontal R at either 103 or 104 before getting into SRS. 


Even at that, I'll start w/ a small position. This market seems very "buoyant".


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