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Posted by racerick on 16th of Oct 2014 at 01:05 pm

Took out yesterdays high and exploded for 2 points higher in less than 30 min


Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 04:13 pm
Title: Sheesh, down 108 pts now


Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 04:05 pm

Wow, someone doesn't like earnings, beat by a few cents Rev's were as anticipated and stock down 70 points


One crazy day so far

Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 10:55 am

And we have Fed Beige Book this afternoon which is always nuts. Going to take a break for a few hours.

Check out this 10 minute bond futures chart

Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 10:40 am

First 2 big candles - for those of you who don't trade this, this is approximately $1000 each way on 1 contract

Nat gas breaking support

Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 09:27 am

Gap down getting larger as we head into opening

Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 09:24 am

Going to be a wild day I expect

TLT and bond futures

Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 09:22 am

TLT just hit 124.80, right at R level. Biggest daily candle I've ever seen on bond futures.


Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 08:56 am

Just hit 124 - has some pretty strong resistance just above in high 124's on weekly.

TBT trading 49ish


Huge spike in bond futures and gold

Posted by racerick on 15th of Oct 2014 at 08:39 am

On release of PPI and retail sales numbers. Matt better dig out your cartoon of Yellen's grand daughter throwing money out the window

TLT at 123

Oil hit $80

Oil and other Ramblings

Posted by racerick on 14th of Oct 2014 at 05:02 pm

One of our watchlist oil related stocks had decent day - TDW but can't tell if it's trying to base here or making a bear flag. However, not touching anything oil related until crude firms up.

Got to love Gartman on cnbc. Just 5 weeks ago when Brent Crude was at 101 he proclaimed it would never break $100. Peeked below $85 today - nice 15+% drop in 5 weeks. Not sure when I've ever seen him right on anything though, so not surprised.

M had a good day, kind of my bellweather retail indicator, but it's the time of year for retailers, so may offer a relatively safe haven and be worth watching.

TBT made new YTD low today. Not sure when we'll be able to buy it. Not a government in the world going to raise rates or cut off the spigot anytime soon. 10 year treasury futures haven't broken the 4 hour 9ema in 2 weeks. Marching relentlessly higher as TLT has been.


Markets down since Europe opened

Posted by racerick on 14th of Oct 2014 at 05:43 am

UK numbers came in weak - oil has dropped nearly a dollar, gold has pulled back some, interest rate futures been dropping, as well as stock futures and DX climbing again


Posted by racerick on 9th of Oct 2014 at 02:09 pm

Oil just keeps making new lows. They'll be paying us to use it soon, lol 

Trying scalp long off re-test of todays low, have some positive divergence


Posted by racerick on 9th of Oct 2014 at 01:30 pm

Have an inverse H&S setting up on the spx at 1940 on my 1min chart - measures about 10 points

Intraday charts

Posted by racerick on 8th of Oct 2014 at 04:02 am

Matt and Steve,

Appreciate the extensive intraday charts on spx today. Though I'm watching most of them, it's nice to have some additional perspective.


Posted by racerick on 2nd of Oct 2014 at 02:51 pm

Right at Inverse H&S line on 3min spx chart - measures about 30 points higher if it triggers

Gold pretty volatile tonite

Posted by racerick on 19th of Sep 2014 at 12:02 am

Drops about $9 at 8.30ish est and then at 9:45 starts bouncing back up $10. Movement seems related to Scottish vote results coming in.

Update, hour and 10min later almost back to lows - just bounced off my lower, very shallow, trend line. Had to switch to a 1 min candle, which I haven't used in a long time. LOL, Can't stand the heat of 4-5 point moves on a 10-15 min candle.

GS making new high today and JPM trying

Posted by racerick on 18th of Sep 2014 at 01:12 pm

Dollar giving back all of yesterday's gains

Posted by racerick on 18th of Sep 2014 at 10:55 am


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