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SPX making push into resistance

Posted by racerick on 18th of Sep 2014 at 10:05 am

Going to be interesting


Buyers coming out of the woodwork

Posted by racerick on 16th of Sep 2014 at 11:38 am


Posted by racerick on 4th of Sep 2014 at 11:06 am

Down to basically 5 year lows. Fundamentally we probably should be looking at food processors. I haven't seen the prices of anything dropping at the grocery store. Some of these guys have to be making some pretty fat margins these days

SPX pushing to new highs

Posted by racerick on 4th of Sep 2014 at 10:10 am

Big spike in futures

Posted by racerick on 3rd of Sep 2014 at 04:28 am

Cease-fire news out of Ukraine - Gold was trying to bounce a little, got knocked back down to 1262


Posted by racerick on 25th of Aug 2014 at 04:33 pm
Title: Heck of a day

Gold getting hit here early this am

Posted by racerick on 21st of Aug 2014 at 02:54 am

Down about $15 at European open

UHS moving

Posted by racerick on 13th of Aug 2014 at 10:59 am
Title: Trying a few scalps

Does anyone have where R3 is on SPX?

Posted by racerick on 5th of Jun 2014 at 12:32 pm


Posted by racerick on 5th of Jun 2014 at 12:01 pm

Taking some profits here at 30min 200ma

FEYE trying to bounce here today off of 20ma

Posted by racerick on 5th of Jun 2014 at 10:06 am

Oil - just dropped almost a point in 10 min

Posted by racerick on 4th of Jun 2014 at 11:37 am

PAH turning into a nice trade - good call guys

Posted by racerick on 4th of Jun 2014 at 10:07 am

Tried to BO again this am on ADP number, but got slapped back on 1st try

Gold has been perking up a little this pm

Posted by racerick on 3rd of Jun 2014 at 03:22 pm

Has decent resistance about a point higher here at 147.40ish

Bonds got whacked pretty good today

Posted by racerick on 29th of May 2014 at 03:58 pm

Probably helping market

For whatever that's worth these days


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