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Natgas Nice Spike past few hours

Posted by racerick on 18th of Dec 2014 at 08:35 am

Futures have spiked up too now on SNB news

Posted by racerick on 18th of Dec 2014 at 02:39 am

SPX +10;  DOW +105 Both real close to R1 now

Swiss National Bank Introduces Negative Interest Rates

Posted by racerick on 18th of Dec 2014 at 02:16 am

Trying to keep everyone in Europe from buying Swiss francs, thereby driving it up against the Euro. Has gotten real close to the limit they like to see.

USD spiking, just made new high


Posted by racerick on 17th of Dec 2014 at 11:22 am

Cheapie breakout that we've had before. MACD xover yesterday

TLT - new 2 yr high today

Posted by racerick on 16th of Dec 2014 at 04:27 pm

Silver down big today, gold down - Deflation trade is definitely on



Posted by racerick on 16th of Dec 2014 at 11:37 am

Thanks for the RUSL last nite Matt. Was a little late on it this am, caught it when it moved over pre-mkt high around 2.10ish.

Tanker Stocks

Posted by racerick on 15th of Dec 2014 at 05:34 pm

As Mia pointed out earlier the tanker stocks have been straight up past few days. FRO has gone from under 1.50 to 2.86 in 4 days.

This may account for its strength. - See Article

Decent gap up on Natgas tonite also

Posted by racerick on 14th of Dec 2014 at 10:44 pm


Posted by racerick on 14th of Dec 2014 at 10:02 pm

Oil up over $2 now in past 3 hours after making a double bottom at 56.25ish



Posted by racerick on 12th of Dec 2014 at 05:02 am

Steve talked about in the newsletter how some of the inverse ETS acted this afternoon. Check out this chart of the VXX 12-20 29 calls. Went from 1.50 at lunch to 4.05 at the close and then another .60 after the close. Being the astute trader I am, sold 1/2 of my position for 2.95 at 3:45 so I could go finish outdoor Xmas decorations, LOL.


Posted by racerick on 12th of Dec 2014 at 04:48 am

Chart link

Oil is closing in on it's next major support area as you can see on the 10 year weekly chart- You can see the next line down has numerous touches between the 56-58 level. Considering how oversold all the indicators are, we could possibly see some bounce from this area. 

We're currently trading at 58.90, so maybe another swoon down for a day might set us up for a bounce, unless some eager traders decide to beat everyone to the punch before it get's all the way there. I noticed today, that a lot of the oils were pretty froggy when market was bouncing, even though oil itself wasn't doing anything positive. Personally watching ERX and DIG. ERX bounced about 4 points today in less than 2 hours before pulling all the way back, so to make any real money we need to see oil bounce along with the market. Of course if the oils bounce will help the indexes.

Oil Refiners

Posted by racerick on 12th of Dec 2014 at 04:32 am


Oil refiners, though down some the past month have held up well in the oil selloff, in fact as you can see, many are up on the year. A sample portfolio I set up on 3/2011 is up about 40% despite IOC, which has been a pretty big loser

USD and Futures getting whacked here about 4:30 am

Posted by racerick on 12th of Dec 2014 at 04:12 am


Posted by racerick on 11th of Dec 2014 at 10:46 am

Natgas inventories down 51bcf - nice little spike for the moment

Independent Oil and Gas

Posted by racerick on 10th of Dec 2014 at 05:53 pm

Look at the carnage in just the past week

Charts- Am posting the performance view, but can click on tabs right above data to see different views including charts if you're not familiar with Finviz.

Natgas related stocks

Posted by racerick on 10th of Dec 2014 at 05:49 pm

Oil Service Stocks

Posted by racerick on 10th of Dec 2014 at 05:44 pm

Charts -  can click on tabs right above charts to get more views - click on the Performance tab - incredible

Have been decimated past 90 days


Posted by racerick on 9th of Dec 2014 at 02:39 am

Weather talking about cold front and storms in NE, may be giving some support to Natgas futures tonight.

Interesting Stats

Posted by racerick on 9th of Dec 2014 at 01:01 am

"December can be broken down into three periods as follows: 1st through 6th,7th through 15th, & 16th through 31st. The performance between these periods is staggering. Take a look at the annualized returns by period:

1st through 6th: +25.81% (up 20 times, down 7 times),

7th through 15th: -22.77% (up 5 times, down 22 times),

16th through 31st: +78.84% (up 24 times, down3 times)." - Tom Bowley

He also make pretty good case for small caps -



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