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SPX 15 falling wedge with divergence

Posted by puma on 6th of Jun 2011 at 12:20 pm

The Dollar

Posted by puma on 3rd of Jun 2011 at 01:20 pm

Steve, thanks for the UUP chart.  I was looking at the dollar and whipping up a few charts while you were putting it up. In the last few days we've had a disconnect between the dollar and inverse relationship to the market (circled) in the UUP:SPX chart. But in the last year, those disconnects have been very brief. So I think the dollar is still the key, and it's unlikely that the market will go a lot lower until or unless the dollar rallies, so as far as I'm concerned, the dollar is still the key.

When I look at the longer term chart of the dollar, it looks like the dollar is going to have to find support soon around the 74.25 level soon (which would still allow for an A-B-C- up), or it's likely to retest the recent lows -- and given how close we are to the '08 lows, I wonder if it doesn't have to test those as well.






Posted by puma on 2nd of Jun 2011 at 12:40 pm

Breaking a third fan line is not a bullish indicator.


Tom -- is it possible


Posted by puma on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:21 pm

Tom -- is it possible to tell is there will be a signal tomorrow if we close lower than today, or are there too many moving parts to know this soon?

Stockcharts is 131.87 and Schwab closed at 131.87. Seems pretty clear. No signal.

Wow, missed the late day signal by 3 cents!

Posted by puma on 1st of Jun 2011 at 04:03 pm

Signal = Below 131.85

Close = 131.87


Hello 1313

Posted by puma on 1st of Jun 2011 at 03:52 pm

Looks like Gold decided to join the party

Posted by puma on 1st of Jun 2011 at 03:46 pm

Thanks for the charts Ditch

$XAU volumes

Posted by puma on 1st of Jun 2011 at 03:21 pm

Thanks for the charts Ditch -- that GDX:GLD ratio chart is not pretty.

Bullish engulfing candle on the UUP

Posted by puma on 1st of Jun 2011 at 03:20 pm

Maybe, as I speculated before, the market is smelling that the dollar has found support. We'll have to see how this plays out, but right now it looks like UUP will print an engulfing candle.

 Or maybe it's the beginning of a decoupling of the inverse correlation of equities and the dollar. Much too soon to say, but I can't remember the last time we had a big move that wasn't correlated. With most commodities also selling off (gold being the most obvious exception), and with bonds strong, is it possible that we're entering a new phase where lousy economic numbers will actually be more important than the dollar? Or is the market also smelling that maybe the dollar has found support here? Just ruminating.

Germany to shut down nuclear plants by 2022

Posted by puma on 30th of May 2011 at 01:05 pm

With the uranium stocks looking like they may have built bases, and with a few starting to break downtrend lines, it should tell us something tomorrow and in the coming days when we see how they react to this news out of Germany. If they shrug it off and don't react to it that would be pretty bullish.

Germany to shut down nuc plants



Gold and silver are catching a bid, but oil is really lagging.

Very cute!

Member Gift

Posted by puma on 26th of May 2011 at 04:14 pm

Very cute!

TRE daily, Nice gold stock chart

Posted by puma on 26th of May 2011 at 02:17 pm

TRE has a much better chart than most gold stocks

UUP 60

Posted by puma on 26th of May 2011 at 01:54 pm

Fell back to another TL support -- I'm watching the MACD TL -- looks like it's starting to give way which suggests to me that the dollar is going to have to rally very soon (tomorrow) to regain the MACD TL, or the pullback is likely to be deeper, giving support to everything else.

Uraniums, DNN and CCJ setting up nice divergences

Posted by puma on 26th of May 2011 at 01:44 pm

I've been looking for a spot to re-enter the uraniums, and it looks like they might finally be starting to set up. CCJ is the big dog, and DNN is one of the bigger little dogs. Nice divergence on both -- and I also like the falling wedge look to the DNN chart.

Potential H&S on the SPX 5 chart

Posted by puma on 24th of May 2011 at 03:47 pm


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