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Strange situation -- The TS close that Matt is using in the email seems to be an outlier. Can someone check IB or TDW -- I can't get to those accounts right now. Honestly not sure what to do -- take the trade AH?

Also looked at Yahoo and they've got the close at 134.83 -- so what now -- take it in the after market because TS showed a close 4 cents lower? Currently trading at 134.75 AH.


Gold rising wedge -- Backtest

Posted by puma on 4th of May 2011 at 12:21 pm

I posted this a few days ago, but I think it's the most important chart for gold. We will know soon if this will be a successful backtest or if gold will fall back in the wedge. It's a weekly chart so it's the weekly close that really matters. If it falls back into the wedge, that would make me think it's more likely we will then work our way down to test the lower trendline.

thanks very much for running

fyi IRA's and SPY System

Posted by puma on 3rd of May 2011 at 09:45 pm

thanks very much for running those numbers. i was planning on using SH for IRAs, and figured it would be close enough for gov work, but glad to get some validation.

Matt -- nice chart on

everything is trading together

Posted by puma on 3rd of May 2011 at 03:20 pm

Matt -- nice chart on everything trading together! Thanks.

Gold -- Will the weekly breakout of the wedge hold?

Posted by puma on 3rd of May 2011 at 03:11 pm

We had a clean breakout above the rising wedge last week -- and it looked like we might be going up to establish a new channel. But now it will be very interesting to see if this correction will simply backtest the wedge, or whether it will prove to be a false break. If it proves to be a false break, then I would expect a much deeper correction. If it's plays out as a successful backtest, then this might be a quick shakeout. But I think the way gold acts relative to the wedge will tell us a lot.

Usually when the metal leads

Gold:HUI Ratio breakout

Posted by puma on 3rd of May 2011 at 12:34 pm

Usually when the metal leads it's bearish for both the shares and the metal. Typically the shares lead, but obviously they've been lagging badly.

Gold:HUI Ratio breakout

Posted by puma on 3rd of May 2011 at 12:16 pm

This looks like a major breakout if it doesn't reverse very quickly, and certainly worth taking note of.

Tom DeMark is calling for a big drop soon

Posted by puma on 19th of Jan 2011 at 10:09 am

DeMark is probably the most influential technical analyst with the big money boys. 


A very merry Christmas to all

Posted by puma on 23rd of Dec 2010 at 02:04 pm

Would like to thank Matt and Steve for all their great work -- and thanks to all the members of the BPT community for sharing their ideas -- and wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a very happy and profitable new year!

Why do I have the feeling that the Fed and other CBs have orchestrated this ploy.



Well then I guess they

Has someone hacked ZeroHedge?

Posted by puma on 16th of Dec 2010 at 10:42 pm

Well then I guess they put this up themselves while they're working on the site. That's kinda cool. I'm gonna have to see the movie, keep meaning to. Thanks.

Has someone hacked ZeroHedge?

Posted by puma on 16th of Dec 2010 at 09:21 pm

Or have they done this themselves -- very strange -- here's a screen capture of what i get when I go to (by the way, does anyone know what this image is?) 


PA's point is well taken

COPPER down hard

Posted by puma on 15th of Dec 2010 at 02:02 pm

PA's point is well taken about the correlation between SPX and copper -- copper (and silver) have been leading and both are down 1.75% today. Bears watching, no pun intended.

GLD and SLV both stopped at 61.8 Fibs

Posted by puma on 14th of Dec 2010 at 11:23 pm

The gold/bond ratio has taken out its 1979 high!

Posted by puma on 14th of Dec 2010 at 09:26 pm

The Chart

Commentary on rates and the chart at

This may well be a warning that the long bond bull market that Matt has posted many times may be in peril of ending.


Maybe snow and ice? All is

internet down

Posted by puma on 14th of Dec 2010 at 03:25 pm

Maybe snow and ice?

All is fine out here where is it sunny and warm :-)

Matt -- is the SPY system still long?

Posted by puma on 14th of Dec 2010 at 01:15 pm

Matt -- you had some great stats on the in-the-works SPY SYSTEM posted sometime in the last week or so (boy, those stats really were great!), and my recollection is that it showed that the system was long. I was interested if it was still long? BTW I searched for the system post, but for some reason I can't find it. Thanks.


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