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Chartboy - Excellent observation of

Fib cluster...

Posted by puma on 16th of Jun 2011 at 02:14 pm

Chartboy - Excellent observation of the Fibs

GDX now down 2.7% -- telling us something bearish I think

VIX up over 2% with gap right above

Posted by puma on 16th of Jun 2011 at 01:22 pm

Big cap growth leaders not participating today

Posted by puma on 16th of Jun 2011 at 12:46 pm

AAPL, AMZN, CMG, NFLX, PCLN not joining party, GMCR up a tad

It's not particularly bullish when the leaders aren't leading

That pretty much defines weak

The Dollar in case anyone didn't notice

Posted by puma on 15th of Jun 2011 at 12:07 pm

GDX charts

Posted by puma on 14th of Jun 2011 at 03:51 pm

GDX 5Min Inverse H&S could be setting up, would be nice to get a little pull back tomorrow to get symmetry

GDX 15Min broke downtrend line and backtested

GDX 60room to run up to downtrend, pretty much matches 5 Min objective


GDX 60

GDX 15

 EDIT AGAIN! Stockcharts is having its problems I think -- the downtrend line on the 60 disappeared, but trust me, if you draw it you'll see what i'm talking about! I'm giving up now.


HFT Algos manipulating ETFs

Posted by puma on 13th of Jun 2011 at 02:52 pm

Scary stuff

Wow, this is could easily happen to an ETF that any of us is trading. My first reaction is that that you leave yourself wide open if you don't use limit orders. In a milisecond a market order could get filled at some insane price, and then you would get to fight about having it canceled and who knows how that might come out.  The fact that the SEC turns a blink eye to all this is infuriating.


bkout3 -- thanks for the XLE chart

Posted by puma on 13th of Jun 2011 at 01:18 pm

Yes, nice breakdown on XLE,  looks like the bottom of the channel which will probably also be the 200 day and S2 is a reasonable objective on this move.

IYR and SRS -- Real Estate may be rolling over

Posted by puma on 9th of Jun 2011 at 11:03 pm

JJG Nice chart

Posted by puma on 9th of Jun 2011 at 09:21 pm

I would only rarely take

spx5, bear flag/wedge...

Posted by puma on 8th of Jun 2011 at 03:48 pm

I would only rarely take that trade in the last 15 minutes, and I really don't like the way the longer stochastics on the 15 min chart remain burried. But I did appreciate the way everything was lined up so pretty :-)

Nope, not rushing :-)

spx5, bear flag/wedge...

Posted by puma on 8th of Jun 2011 at 03:44 pm

Nope, not rushing :-)

Kobie -- Nice chart! Been

spx5, bear flag/wedge...

Posted by puma on 8th of Jun 2011 at 03:40 pm

Kobie -- Nice chart! Been waiting all day to get here.

GDX:GLD ratio has now retraced 50% of move from '08 lows

Posted by puma on 8th of Jun 2011 at 03:28 pm

Matt -- what are your thoughts on Gold's rising wedge

Posted by puma on 8th of Jun 2011 at 01:55 pm

You've posted this chart many times yourself -- If the wedge breaks to the downside, then it could measure WAY down. Are you saying that you think that we will likely break the wedge, but that we will find support long before it plays out in full?

I'm also long term very bullish on gold, but this is the one chart that has concerned me for a while.



Posted by puma on 7th of Jun 2011 at 01:05 pm

Once nice gold chart

That should read ONE nice gold chart :-)

Good point Mamaduck -- thanks -- Let's see which way it breaks.

GLD:SLV ratio looks like it's making a H&S top

Posted by puma on 6th of Jun 2011 at 03:53 pm

Thanks very much Kobie -- I'm afraid I was sloppy in my post. You're right.


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