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Gold has made an impressive

Posted by junkie on 19th of Apr 2023 at 11:09 am

Gold has made an impressive rebound today off 1980. I missed the move to go long there, and I would not short near 2005-ish as short-term it is oversold. I want 2036 to short and 1975 to go long. The next move is lower IMHO, as the ledge support on eurusd does not look like it will hold for another impulsive move higher.

Lean hogs seem to be putting a low today. Cotton still looks like it wants to go higher.

A leading diagonal is partially

QQQ 30

Posted by junkie on 18th of Apr 2023 at 02:49 pm

A leading diagonal is partially completed. An EW view from this morning is mostly bullish:

Are we going to see

SPX 30 Updated View

Posted by junkie on 18th of Apr 2023 at 11:37 am

Are we going to see U-shaped prices all week this week into the OpEx? No one is buying this breakout, except for short holders covering.

/GC has made a short-term

DUST comments

Posted by junkie on 18th of Apr 2023 at 11:14 am

/GC has made a short-term low. It could push up a bit higher from here into the end of the week. Above 2000, gold is bullish.

Cotton is waking up.  A

Posted by junkie on 18th of Apr 2023 at 09:31 am

Cotton is waking up.  A tradable ETN is BAL.

rbreese, a move lower on gold is overlapping and thus corrective. An oscillator-based indicator on 4-hour charts is close to oversold. I feel that we may get a thrust lower into 1955-70 area and reverse there. Thus, this looks like another mid-way consolidation  to me. Technically, /GC should be lower but it is not going there. Staying above 2000 is bullish.

Professionals have not taken there profits on gold, so higher prices are yet to come.

A move higher on eurusd is not completed, yet it might have peaked for now. Thus, gold is not going much higher short-term. Grains seems to be a new game in town: corn, wheat, even soybeans.   16 Ways of Anticipating a TREND REVERSAL. This is a video about different ways of anticipating a trend reversal.

Matt, are those stops EOD

Breakout SPY and ES systems

Posted by junkie on 14th of Apr 2023 at 04:24 pm

Matt, are those stops EOD on the close or not? Thanks for the update!

Euro and gold are at

Posted by junkie on 14th of Apr 2023 at 02:02 pm

Euro and gold are at support. A bounce is expected for both. Gold is positive for the week.

Good call on 2005, Steve! Let us see if gold offers a retest of the trendline from underneath today for a good short entry.

/GC is breaking its uptrend

GDX 120 min, DUST

Posted by junkie on 14th of Apr 2023 at 10:13 am

/GC is breaking its uptrend line on the daily chart. The second trendline and a support come at 2023.

If cryptos were to be used as a guide for gold, gold should break down from its wedge.

Spot market in currencies is much bigger than futures markets, so spot should be used for them for charting in the ideal world. For precious metals, the opposite is true. I do not have an opinion on the stock indexes.

/GC's action today suggests a double top and a reversal in $USD.

The difference is a spot price versus a price of the front month of DX futures. The same thing happened with gold, which bottomed on the spot price in September and on the futures contract in November. Futures contracts leave gaps when a contract is rolled over. Some EW analysts do not like to use futures for that purpose.


SBSW nice, thanks for that junkie and BPT. I remember ...

Posted by junkie on 13th of Apr 2023 at 04:09 pm
Title: Hogs

Matt, at that time the

KISS weekly

Posted by junkie on 13th of Apr 2023 at 03:50 pm

Matt, at that time the MA(10) on the $CPC was at 0.80 on the daily charts. Check it out!

Bring up 4217!

fuel for the fire

Posted by junkie on 13th of Apr 2023 at 03:41 pm

Bring up 4217!

DigiNomad, Euro has not peaked yet. So far the breakout is intact. Long Euro, long gold.


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