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Posted by hazbin1 on 7th of Dec 2010 at 09:10 am

hamvestor, thanks for the confirmation. looking at yesterdays chart post from steve, bottom of triangle on xing is ~1.75. looking at mcp and ree, those are going to pop yet again.   hmmmmm



Posted by hazbin1 on 7th of Dec 2010 at 09:00 am

i've got to be reading something wrong, it's a $2 a share stock -do they have ~$5 in cash net  per share?


MCP and REE nice quick pops

Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Dec 2010 at 01:43 pm

appears news on MCP, japanese company taking a stake. etc



Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Dec 2010 at 11:30 am

50% fib down @ ~ 4.75 looks doable


watch ree

Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Dec 2010 at 10:36 am

was watching it fall off the deep end, then mcp popped, anybody see why this sector popped all of a sudden?



Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Dec 2010 at 10:22 am

Matt, if you please, some charts other than the weekly on trade ideas

the dangerous part, ???

Bernanke's 60 minutes appearance

Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Dec 2010 at 09:02 am

rreich, the part you didn't note is that Bernanke has long been considered one of the (maybe the) top expert on the Great -D. thus, he is probably the only one who could conceivably recreate it down to it's smallest detail.


Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Dec 2010 at 03:00 pm

taking a hit


Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Dec 2010 at 11:01 am

what I am in the process of learning on this website is that market direction as a whole is a side show. recent POMO (don't fight the FED) liquidity is multiple times of prior months, so why fight a trend?. what works and makes $ consistently is BPT trade ideas and those many of you are kind enough to post. please all keep up the great trade ideas (especially those that provide immediate gratification) and try to leave some of this commentary to after hours.



Posted by hazbin1 on 2nd of Dec 2010 at 11:09 am

appreciate that fixdgear, research shows 3 analysts projecting $10 and 1 @ 15. so far anyway. will procrastinate a little longer. thanks


Posted by hazbin1 on 2nd of Dec 2010 at 10:55 am

back in early Nov this stock was discussed on the BLOG (not a BPT trade idea). it ran up on drug approval. they issued their shelf registration with stock ~4.6. the dealer owned it at 4.15. they had 20million shares to dump with only ~3mil. traded per day. in my mind i was looking to reposition ~$4.0. (having sold over 5.)  per their press release they have hired their sales force and expect to start sales come 2/11.this would have to be a longer term hold

any thoughts on entry?

FOMC - executive summary

FOMC Minutes at 2:00 EST (Reminder)

Posted by hazbin1 on 23rd of Nov 2010 at 02:12 pm

if CNBC discussion of the minutes is to be believed, FOMC is targeting the dollar, the do not want a stronger dollar (which is not part of their dual mandate) they are supposed to be targeting inflation - they have disinflation now (they let that out of the bag and we are in real trouble -that is part of the dual mandate and they are supposed to 'control' it). lastly the other half of their mandate is for lower unemployment. seeing their revised estimates, 9%+ unemployment will continue beyond 2011.  since this administration is anti-business, the FOMC feels it needs to provide the fuel for the markets. too bad we can't vote FOMC members out of office. this is scary. IMHO (gotta love BPT, keep us out of trouble guys)

FOMC minutes

FOMC Minutes at 2:00 EST (Reminder)

Posted by hazbin1 on 23rd of Nov 2010 at 01:56 pm

~ 5 min from now, for all us commoners, insiders already have 'em Cool


Mike's mid-day minute - BAC

Posted by hazbin1 on 22nd of Nov 2010 at 02:55 pm

if your buying BAC your not worried about fundamentals, because there is nothing behind the curtain

Ireland bailout

Ireland - Pulled by the ear to a bailout...

Posted by hazbin1 on 22nd of Nov 2010 at 09:05 am

they wouldn't have needed a bailout if they had only guaranteed bank deposits. the politicians had no idea of the extent of the depth of depravity those banks had gotten themselves into. obviously the government had not done any DD, thus by guaranteeing all of the debt of the banks (bonds et al. they doomed the country entire financial foundation).  Portugal will be a quick fix, Spain will be the Euro countries quagmire and a big boost for the dollar and hard assets (think gold and canned goods) come sometime in 2011.

long term unemployment

things could get nasty soon..

Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Nov 2010 at 05:32 pm

if u  had a decent paying job and got downsized, you have 99 weeks of unemployment. + you get subsidized cobra for ~18 months. why work for minimum wage. wait for the 99 weeks to run out....


Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Nov 2010 at 02:58 pm

all right, fess up, which one of you FORD supporters is driving GM off the road and making a mess of my roadmap for the close...

Deja Vu

Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Nov 2010 at 11:48 am

funny, over the years I've seen this too, but now I have BPT at my back, with the indicators looking for downside and the charts revealing nice pullback to b/o's on inverse ETF's, I can't resist some nibbling here at lunch time. at least I will be ~1/2 in or so (if I get hit on all) then I can see where we close. but a nice push up into the close for a new  HOD would work nicely with my earlier GM post.



Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Nov 2010 at 10:56 am

now Fixdgear, GM may stand for 'Government' Motors, but FORD stands for 'Fix Or Repair Daily'. Cool  I prefer Honda.



Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Nov 2010 at 10:41 am

I don't believe this GM is in the DOW anymore, however, 'Government' Motors IPO is a huge political bonus and it really should close higher than the open today to make good on all the payback the dealers have gotten in recent months.  Sentiment Trader posted charts today on what happens after the fact of large IPO's , and it's not pretty.


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