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Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Nov 2010 at 10:26 am

Steve/Matt, question: per the watch list, and per the med. term indicators, charts looking for a p./b to establish (reestablish) long position. does 20.35 qualify as a touch of the broken down trend line?

there is that old cliche about trend down days re: spx highs in first 15 min and lows in last, or something like that.


Posted by hazbin1 on 16th of Nov 2010 at 09:52 am

if I'm reading chart 10 from last nite correctly, we gapped out of bullish wedge, back tested ~(21.06), and now rally mode??? maybe???


Posted by hazbin1 on 15th of Nov 2010 at 09:04 pm

just an FYI, tonight's McClellan Osc. had a ~0.25 change from the prior close. translated, we should have some decent volatility sooner rather than later.


Posted by hazbin1 on 15th of Nov 2010 at 11:46 am

b/o? webcast operations update tomorrow


SNL humor

Posted by hazbin1 on 15th of Nov 2010 at 09:41 am

Ditch, too cute...

spx 20 day

ES Resistance (SPX Futures)

Posted by hazbin1 on 12th of Nov 2010 at 01:05 pm

can't wait until it become resistance.  Cool



Posted by hazbin1 on 12th of Nov 2010 at 11:32 am

seeing several of such on ETF's premarket down to 0, also the aapl during mkt of 212.5, bet they fix the data on that one later today



Posted by hazbin1 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 03:23 pm

IMHO - that's what tight stops are for, just in case



Posted by hazbin1 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 03:05 pm

Rank10, sounds like a 'sleeper' stock to me.. Tongue out


Posted by hazbin1 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 02:14 pm

nice BO, passed on that one too, rats


USD Futures Breakout?

Posted by hazbin1 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 02:08 pm

actually it should be helping only shorter term notes, focus of POMO is primarily under 10 years TSY's as I noted here previously, that is why the yield curve is going flatter to 10's and steeper out to 30 years.  what is different in QE2 is that they are in the market virtually every day. the new calendar shows days, maturity they are buying and approx amount.  like medicine, if you take it every day you are going to build up an immunity.... JMHO

FWIW, then of course there is the 'issue' of Ireland's explosive debt situation (Portugal coming up next) and what the EURO folks will have to do about it, the old domino theory, PIIGS this time around.  Can they handle 2 countries going belly up at the same time (as this time has to be different).  let's combine all that with the G20 meeting, maybe it's time for the dollar to bounce for a bit, just to show the World that we aren't really trashing the dollar (just yet, maybe next year)..



Posted by hazbin1 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 10:59 am

Ditch, thanx for the heads up on HW, missed my pop up alert, it's a little slow for my instant gratification trade of the day, but it works. Money mouth


Posted by hazbin1 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 09:48 am

per last nites newsletter, i show comp breaking below the 60 min up trend line (chart 7) is there a target lower now?

POMO days

Posted by hazbin1 on 10th of Nov 2010 at 11:24 am

FYI - 2pm ish release today of schedule for balance of year.

blog layout

Changes To Default Blog Layout

Posted by hazbin1 on 10th of Nov 2010 at 09:25 am

where is the filter icon for winning trades only with immediate gratification? Cool


Posted by hazbin1 on 9th of Nov 2010 at 09:05 am


guess I wasn't paying attention in class, passed on this one that you posted yesterday aft.


Posted by hazbin1 on 8th of Nov 2010 at 12:27 pm

POMO day, interesting how LOD on SPX so far is right around time POMO started

~ 11am.


GU broke out

Posted by hazbin1 on 8th of Nov 2010 at 10:09 am

had to take the 1.13 entry because of gap

U stocks

uranium stocks..

Posted by hazbin1 on 8th of Nov 2010 at 09:48 am

now you have the MOMO crowd excited, courtesy of Barrons this weekend


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