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Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Oct 2010 at 10:34 am

hmm, mkt down, dollar down, gold up, mkt must be waiting for POMO to start before it turns around. IMHO

FWIW< getting into bullish seasonality

Market Timing

Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Oct 2010 at 09:12 am

FWIW< getting into bullish seasonality here, last 2 trade days of oct and first 3 of nov, combining that with mid-term elections and 2 day FOMC meeting. makes a good case for chart 6 in today's BPT letter.


Posted by hazbin1 on 27th of Oct 2010 at 10:00 am

was in newsletter, didn't make trade ideas, too bad, used idea, bought on p/b in and out in 7 minutes for 40 cents, thanks guys.

price on both would be

Posted by hazbin1 on 21st of Oct 2010 at 02:54 pm

price on both would be great, but TZA for sure

what is the price point

TZA BUY Signal Confirmed

Posted by hazbin1 on 21st of Oct 2010 at 02:23 pm

what is the price point used for the signal (to track it going forward) also, Matt, what is the price point for the TZA triggered on watch list?

just missed the 50% fib

Trouble catching trades

Posted by hazbin1 on 21st of Oct 2010 at 11:54 am

just missed the 50% fib ~8.65 on pullback on GROW

Nice Perthx, but per Sentiment Trader, today had a 73% chance of closing up (day after POMO buying of TIPS)

cool, would appreciate a heads

GROW intra day comments

Posted by hazbin1 on 21st of Oct 2010 at 10:25 am

cool, would appreciate a heads up on an intraday bull flag if possible

welcome back, and thanks for

Posted by hazbin1 on 20th of Oct 2010 at 10:15 pm

welcome back, and thanks for the posts

yup, doing a great job

SPX 15 (another alternative)

Posted by hazbin1 on 20th of Oct 2010 at 10:46 am

yup, doing a great job of frustrating me with entering a TZA trade....

trade ideas - SBCF

Posted by hazbin1 on 20th of Oct 2010 at 10:27 am

just posted, may look good technical,  but do your own DD because earnings tomorrow and they are a TARP deadbeat (can't pay their dividends to govt as they are in florida).


Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Oct 2010 at 10:05 pm

1)Daily Sentiment Index (DSI): 87% bulls (91% 5 day
avg, 88% 10 day avg). Overbought. The 10 day avg has
reached 88% bulls, the highest since Sept 2009

now all I need is

paint is dry

Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Oct 2010 at 02:27 pm

now all I need is RUT to go to the top of its 60 min channel. GO TNA GO!!

paint is dry

Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Oct 2010 at 02:18 pm

rally time?

1% is a teaser rate

new 1% tax proposal from the Democrats

Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Oct 2010 at 01:53 pm

1% is a teaser rate

U 2, fwiw, past 11 Oct.

Have a nice weekend everyone.....

Posted by hazbin1 on 15th of Oct 2010 at 04:05 pm

U 2,

fwiw, past 11 Oct. expiry mondays show 11/2 up/down with spx~1% gain.

US Senate will take up

Rumor on currency report at 1pm

Posted by hazbin1 on 15th of Oct 2010 at 12:30 pm

US Senate will take up the 'manipulation bill' (that the House passed before recess) during the 'lame duck' session. expect the administration to want it to pass. reminiscence of Smoot Hartley.

to bring the discussion on real estate full circle, imho, holders of MBS and many mortgage derivatives have a PUT back to the originators of the securities in the event of 'bad faith' transactions or technical paperwork errors . this bypasses any monies set aside in a reserve for bad loans. thus many of the large banks/brokers will be on the hook for these puts. fnma and freddie already have at least $3 billion in puts back to originators (and I'm sure more in waiting with what is going on now). thus reviewing charts on FAZ and SRS would be appropriate. reserves for these puts as they are non existent (BOA hasn't reserved for this for its Merrill originations or any other company acquired past 2 years), while reserves for delinquent mortgages are inadequate for mortgages which can't be foreclosed on.  the FED is keeping rates low and POMO has to be active to give banks the opportunity to make money (increase their tier 1 capital)  to offset the above. while the overall trend of the mkt is up (at the moment), there are shorting opps in sectors. low rates for an extended period is vital to the FED to get people to refinance their mortages which in turn will remove some of the 'faulty' mortgages outstanding before they go delinquent.


Posted by hazbin1 on 14th of Oct 2010 at 09:52 pm

by my calculations, 1.6 billion worth went long in the last 5 minutes of todays trading

marketguy, please continue to post


Posted by hazbin1 on 14th of Oct 2010 at 08:20 pm

marketguy, please continue to post your charts and ideas. BPT site is the best trading site I've found in 10 years of trading. this venue is for sharing trading ideas from BPT's best (aside from Matt and Steve)  is what is making money. whether you post long or short ideas doesn't matter, whether you are personally short or long doesn't matter either. posting charts that defend your position is what makes a market (and most of us find intriguing, especially if your making money) . constructive criticism is the order of the day. inability to understand this basic concept is often a sign that critics are failing in their quest to make money consistently in the market. willingness to share/post trades and have them publicly prove profitable or fail is still all part of the learning process. everyday here is a learning experience. I for one am here to make a living, not to referee inane comments of those who don't like your ideas or position.  Unless Matt/Steve ask for you to change your modus operandi, don't.


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