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a great trade, thanks for pointing it out! 

THBR is another one to look at, merging to become Indie soon. $2.5 billion backlog. Committed Pipe investors. If you want to play chip shortage, "here's your sign" as Bill E the comedian would say..Huge upside potential here before the merger 

I use GBTC ,no position as of the moment. I did take the trade on the 50 day test when Matt pointed it out. Was a great low risk entry given such a buzz around it long term

$LOTZ I'm long shares off

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 3rd of Feb 2021 at 07:59 am

$LOTZ I'm long shares off the below 200 day Pinocchio test now. Retail money has all been stolen now and big boys loading cheap. Check out the 13G. Another low risk setup the fundamentals at our back. Deal closed recently. This is a small cap Carvana, Vroom. Very interesting story of them growing from the ground up, founder, and ceo still running the show. Former GM ceo has a nice size investment. Very interesting team he put together. 

Read a few of the

From Sentiment Trader

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 3rd of Feb 2021 at 07:43 am

Read a few of the posts, some are still thinking Elon and Chamath are going to help them ramp the stock back up. Talk about a total misunderstanding of what was going on and the timing associated. Hopefully now we can get back to regular business. We know a lot of trash pennies run, this situation was just the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen with GME and AMC. Good job by AMC raising equity twice. Not sure where the GME management has been, they should have raised, unbelievable

I gave this when shares were around $10.00. Warrants were just above $2 at that time, getting a move to $2.60 so far on the pre market so far, earnings move up as I suspected as they report after the close today. Was a very low risk entry with the prior conditions. I specialize in buying supports with fundamentals at my back. Most famous recent call was ERX from below 9 to 17 area. Hope some others caught this with me. Trim/trail as always. 

Absolutely, I see very little talk about the gaps and they are so useful for risk/reward. I'm watching the same area on upside as well. We have a gap below now too from Friday at 3,714.24

Absolutely Matt, All I do is just make sure I get some profits. If I'm very bullish on a position, I well sell some and keep some and keep trailing it. S&P looks like it wants 3,787.37 upside gap. I already took most of it off though from the buy into the Friday panic. Thanks for the great coverage here. Blessings

$SPX 3,750 so far resistance

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 1st of Feb 2021 at 08:06 am

$SPX 3,750 so far resistance in the pre-market, a previous support. 50 day is below of course, though the gap has to fill lower or do we push higher for the 3,787 gap? What a mess. Let's see what the market has to say

Definitely not based on fundamentals, but who cares when you're long..nice work! 

thanks for sharing Matt. Doesn't surprise me. Anything Chappelle does is fantastic. He got so fed up with the business and machine, he quit years ago. Control has been there for many, many years. I can't think of one place it isn't 

if we can't even close

SPX 5 min

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 29th of Jan 2021 at 10:51 am

if we can't even close yesterday's gap at 3,787, it is bearish. Was thinking we at least get there today

funny how money talks..trash on google and robinhood's part ..would have been all good if people were happy, right?. $$$$$

$UWMC I can't find a

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 29th of Jan 2021 at 10:36 am

$UWMC I can't find a lower risk setup in my individual names, with earnings due Feb 3rd, short covering and buying should come in. 32 RSI diverging now. Largest wholesale mortgage company in the nation 6 years in a row. Around since 1986 I believe. Spac deal just merged recently, used to be Gore's. If you want leverage, buy the warrants, they have a 5 year expiry, controlling 1 share of stock per warrant at $11.50 per share. Buy and sell like a stock 

$SPX 3,742s retest support is

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 29th of Jan 2021 at 09:55 am

$SPX 3,742s retest support is holding, I wouldn't rule out going higher here to fill yesterday's gap at 3,787.37. Still the gap higher as well at 3,849 if 3,822 trend line was retaken for the bulls. We know supports at 3,725, 3,685 is the DVT, and 3,650 is major support. Thank you for the great coverage here, it has improving my trading results. The daily work has to be put in to succeed. 

guess their reports aren't inspiring the fear they used to now..or at least that is the narrative being sold..who knows, what a clown show the market has become

$HEC premerger spac that will

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 28th of Jan 2021 at 08:15 am

$HEC premerger spac that will become Talkspace (TALK), the only pure play in behavior/mental health. Big insurance companies and corporations onboard now. 46,000 members and growing. The company is 10 years old now. Former Teledoc (TDOC) COO is running growth plans now. You see what he did there. Massive opportunity here to buy low. I'm always early, if you have seen a few of my posts here, often in before big runs occur. Like ERX recently below $9 to $17 on that run. My warrants position in HEC is my 2nd largest individual holding now. Growth projection 69% this year. 

I believe the broker outages

SPX 5 min

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 27th of Jan 2021 at 12:44 pm

I believe the broker outages will be the cause of a major correction, possibly a crash in the future. Seems they go down anytime there is high activity now. 

$UWMC Bottoming play, one of

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 27th of Jan 2021 at 12:42 pm

$UWMC Bottoming play, one of the largest mortgage companies in the world since 1986, was previously Gore's, merger recently completed. Long warrants into that hard dip this morning. 

$BFI Lower risk entry here

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 26th of Jan 2021 at 10:18 am

$BFI Lower risk entry here off the 200 day test. One of my top 3 holdings now, I bought warrants. Goes back to $17-20 this year on the stock. A load of stores opening this year, growing the business, 30s% margins, opening 6 in Saudi as well outside the U.S. Think ground floor opportunity in SHAK. I know a lot of people trade momo, but I often catch very low risk setups off supports for big gainers that I've done the dd on in advance. I gave the energy sector before the massive move, traded $ERX from below $9 to $17s. GLTA 


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