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A lot of the tech are trading that way. I bought PINS today on the same support for a trade. 

$APTS Hope some of you

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 10th of Nov 2020 at 12:27 pm

$APTS Hope some of you joined me on that double bottom call off the $5 area. I know there was at least one that was in. I trimmed 23% of my position at $7.35 area. I could see this getting back to double digits, so holding the rest. Fundamentals are easily there for it. Near 100% rent collections in sunbelt properties. 

Like I said yesterday, if you got too negative, you missed a ton of the move. SPXL $47-$59s so far is a great swing trade. If you had options you did even better 

$SPX We continue to climb

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 4th of Nov 2020 at 08:03 am

$SPX We continue to climb the wall of worry. I will stay long my 3x ETF from the support buys unless prices tell me to do otherwise. The rest of the "possible" outcomes is noise. Price is the only thing that matters. Continuing to monitor and move up stops where appropriate. 

Gap watch is 3,310s from

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 3rd of Nov 2020 at 07:15 am

Gap watch is 3,310s from yesterday's close and 3,269s on the downside, on the upside there is one at 3,390s, then some others in 3,400s, Futures range currently 

  • 3,303.12 - 3,349.62 currently. Thanks everyone for the great sharing here. 

I saw that this morning too..wondering if 3,233s is the retest here and now we oversold bounce..lets see

"The ONUS remains with the

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 30th of Oct 2020 at 02:07 pm

"The ONUS remains with the bulls" This statement has helped me a lot over these last weeks. I've stuck with trading according to price and stayed away from forecasting theories. Thanks Steve and Matt

I like using the fibs too. Will be interesting what big tech earnings look like tomorrow after the close. AAPL, GOOGL, FB, and AMZN. And to see if we get any talk of stimulus in the next days before the election. They either do it now or later, but something gets done before year end hopefully. 

Thanks for the great chart. I agree, a likely scenario. Some support in the pre-market session currently around 3,329 which aligns with Steve's comment in the newsletter as a place to pay attention as well as the gap below low 3,300s. Let's see

$SPX haven't heard much about

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 12th of Oct 2020 at 11:44 am

$SPX haven't heard much about the gaps lately. There are 6 now to the downside just from the near term from yesterday's close down to the 3,298s area. They are 3,477, 3,446, 3,419, 3,360, 3,348, and 3,298. Complacency is rising here and near a 65 on the long term RSI. 

Glad to share and hear you were able to benefit. Appreciate the 1 hr. view. Going much higher too based on fundamentals. Very undervalued here. Fantastic dividend

APTS -I previously shared the

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 8th of Oct 2020 at 01:25 pm

APTS -I previously shared the double bottom off the $5.00 area. Now its preparing to breakout here. Watch above $5.87 today's high

Nice Matt, I bought the

XLE 60 min

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 8th of Oct 2020 at 10:44 am

Nice Matt, I bought the breakdown into support at the Fib using ERX, the 2x etf for XLE. I continue to hold it long

$SPAQ nice now peeking above

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 7th of Oct 2020 at 03:46 pm

$SPAQ nice now peeking above the 50 day again with the merger date closing in. I'm long warrants via SPAQ.WS

3,348 has a gap in S&P, looks consistent with your chart

I like the "New Player" as well. Makes it so simple to bounce around 

the gaps are frustrating on the breakouts for me..I know they can hold, just prefer clean breakouts with no gaps

it is a buy here , 25 RSI is amazing. I like XLE on the whole for a swing trade

ES range  3,300.50 - 3,374.62  

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Oct 2020 at 09:24 am

ES range 

  • 3,300.50 - 3,374.62    That 3,300-08 area is important as Matt pointed out the other day. 3,298s has a gap. Two of three gaps filled from the recent days now. 

When looking at a weekly

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 25th of Sep 2020 at 11:15 am

When looking at a weekly chart over many months period of time, what is the most common pair of MAs to look at? On a daily view over a period of months, one may use the 50 day and 200 day for example as displayed in the chart here. Thanks


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