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$LOTZ booyah! Gave it again

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 25th of Feb 2021 at 07:21 am

$LOTZ booyah! Gave it again the other day when the market had the sharp pullback. You could have bought below or around $9. Near $12 so far in premarket

$HEC I made this one 9% of my total account balance today. This pricing is beyond insanity. Deal is set to close this quarter or early next quarter. $10.48 is .48 away from the spac debut asset pricing. Check the thread for dd. The smart money is buying this today. Only pure play in behavioral health. Once the deal closes, the ticker will change to $TALK "Talkspace" Michael Phelps and Demi Lovato are spokepeople on the ads

Massive move today, now they will start to chase it. Just getting going. Those 200 day tests are the holy grail for risk/reward buying 

I love it when a

LOTZ new lows 

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 24th of Feb 2021 at 04:52 pm

I love it when a plan comes together. Now trending and over $11. Warrants on fire from low $2s to over $3 now. Earnings are on March 15th too. 

3,906.71 still has a gap that didn't fill from Friday's close,  maybe they gun it there 

$ARKK back above the 50

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 23rd of Feb 2021 at 03:28 pm

$ARKK back above the 50 day with an overhead gap at $143.78 from yesterday's close. My $131.99 and $127.76 buys looking pretty good. Nice call by Doug Kass on the whoosh down to cover his short positions 

$SPX incredible comeback and trade

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 23rd of Feb 2021 at 03:16 pm

$SPX incredible comeback and trade off 3,805 support. Filled gap at 3,876.50 from yesterday's close. Looking good so far 

Doug Kass covered shorts on

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 23rd of Feb 2021 at 12:03 pm

Doug Kass covered shorts on that woosh in $AAPL $ARKK $MARA, $PTON, etc. see attachment tweet

$ADN another one insane value

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 23rd of Feb 2021 at 11:02 am

$ADN another one insane value off the 200 day test this morning. Just posted yesterday about them acquiring a long time partner. Developed the technology with the U.S. Dept of energy. Goes back to new highs this year

$TTCF took the buy off

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 23rd of Feb 2021 at 10:29 am

$TTCF took the buy off the 200 day test here, low $19 my entry. 

Yes, warrants are an absolute

LOTZ new lows 

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 23rd of Feb 2021 at 10:23 am

Yes, warrants are an absolute steal here on the lows retest. Amazing opportunity with them having 5 years til expiry and not near as volatile as shares. LOTZW long at $2.25

Also bought cost average 20% correction from highs on ARKK at $127.76. I'd rather buy downdrafts than do cost averaging when markets are up. Will continue accordingly. 5 year horizon funds. 

took a cost average buy

ARKK 50 day MA calling 

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 23rd of Feb 2021 at 09:36 am

took a cost average buy at $131.99. 5 year horizon

Nice call Steve, wish I

ARKK 50 day MA calling 

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 23rd of Feb 2021 at 09:20 am

Nice call Steve, wish I could have bought premarket when they took it to 133.15. It was very early though and before my 7am premarket start. I still will likely take a dollar cost average buy with ARKK being 15% off its recent highs. That buy price is $135.74. 20% off the highs is $127.76. Split the difference and that $133 was awful close. Five year horizon for the monthly cost averaging buys, just prefer doing it in down periods and not buying if I'm not getting a discount for the long term. 

You're fired up today   

Trader's Quote

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Feb 2021 at 04:01 pm

You're fired up today   

just hit the pivot point, should rally here, "should"..

$TTCF on watch. They recently

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Feb 2021 at 02:36 pm

$TTCF on watch. They recently retired the warrants and have $200 million cash, no debt, expanding the business into dozens of grocery stores included Whole Foods, Publix, etc. They are in Sam's Club, Walmart, Target. Buying this for a run up into earnings March 1st after close. Expectation is that they handily beat. 

A bit suspicious as there

SPX 60 min

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Feb 2021 at 10:28 am

A bit suspicious as there is a gap at 3,871.74. Will respect the price though until evidence changes, in my Steve voice  I appreciate you both, the built in accountability has further improved my results

$ADN fundamental plans going forward

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Feb 2021 at 07:37 am

$ADN fundamental plans going forward per the acquisition news this morning. I've been buying while short term games have been played over the past week or so. I have warrants, stock is good here too, options may be available though haven't looked: 

Advent Technologies Announces Acquisition of UltraCell, a Leader in Lightweight Fuel Cell Technology

Acquisition Expands Production Operations in the United States


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