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Newsletter is great Matt, I

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Mar 2022 at 08:07 am

Newsletter is great Matt, I like how you breakdown the possibilities of where things are going on the daily and possibly over the weeks. 

With baseball season coming, right now I see joining the long side for the first time at this level as being a batter with a 3-0 count. I could swing and could get a hit, though I'd rather take the next pitch. I sold the remainder of my long into the 4,475 gap fill. Initiated a short position there as well. I'd be happy to add to that exposure if we saw those 4,500s. Risk/reward. 

Your home project was in my dream last night. Steve was commenting how you have a fantastic house and the loft in the top level was incredible..   

Usually Bitcoin does a lot

Bitcoin Weekly View

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 21st of Mar 2022 at 08:31 am

Usually Bitcoin does a lot better with the market rallying. Very poor performance during this last move for markets. 

$SPX I am revising my

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 19th of Mar 2022 at 09:39 am

$SPX I am revising my forecast downward for 2022 to a range of  4,800-3,855 for the S&P 500, which expresses my view that growth will slow as inflation impacts earnings. 

The Federal Reserve rate hikes and balance sheet adjustments will continue to challenge forward progress.   Present and future geopolitical concerns are also headwinds with the U.S. financial situation being higher risk. The bottom end figure represents a 20% correction from the all time highs.  After a substantial upward move over the last few years in markets on the back of dovish monetary policy, the time has come to pay the bill. Tools are now very limited in regards to monetary policy and the way forward must continue to combat inflation. Markets haven't lived with this new normal environment yet and it is unclear how balance sheet reductions and asset purchase decreases will change things.  

Volatility event(s) may present opportunities on both ends of the range for capitulation during the year. These will be important to capture if presented to investors.   My previous forecast at the beginning of 2022 was a range of 5,000 and 4,000 on the lower end.   

Just entered a position for

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 18th of Mar 2022 at 04:14 pm

Just entered a position for shorting the SPX, pretty rare for me, though not big. Risk/reward is worth a try here with the market hitting highs after hours. Using SPXS as my instrument. 

Just looked and the Lilly endowment has sold 220,000 shares for over $62 million in proceeds. So they think it is a good sell here: 

Seeing a lot of angry bears on the social boards posting the same Russia news. Respect the price action needs to be in their vocabulary. I have on my office white board, "Be Flexible when markets change". That being said, no complacency here at all. Taking it level by level. 

I would think you have a pretty good shot when the general market pullsback with a 82 RSI on LLY. Can easily define risk or scale to protect. Like I said, not my game, but a good risk/reward for someone who likes these ones. 

I'm not a short seller,

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 18th of Mar 2022 at 01:42 pm

I'm not a short seller, but for those who are, have a look at LLY (Eil Lilly) for maybe a reversion to mean to the 5 or 9 ma to start. 

I would love it, lets go for the 4,475 gap 

Kudos to Matt for calling

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 18th of Mar 2022 at 01:00 pm

Kudos to Matt for calling the sell at the 50 day ma, first rally gets sold yesterday. Surprised we made it today in a straight line, though figured the market wouldn't let people in overall. 

Gotta love all them hungry

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 18th of Mar 2022 at 12:55 pm

Gotta love all them hungry bears, giving me 260 points now from the 4,173 gap low. Thank you for your service. Seeing a lot of angry longs too who aren't long enough and calling for an immediate new low. Sold into that wave 50 day ma test. Risk/reward for me says wait now, though if it wants to go higher, my longer term investment strategy inventory will benefit. No fomo ever. Scale in and out at demand and supply levels always. Not giving back profits. 

Just refresh and the extra html will go away, currently a log in issue on the site they are working on as well I believe. I notice I have to login everytime now when I come back. 

Rock star newsletter Steve, thank you and for the article. Didn't realize it was SPX rebalancing today as well. 

Sold the rest of calls on that spike into $206.30s. Options are tough for me, the risk drives me nuts, particularly on individual stocks. Much more comfortable with indexes and sectors. Oh well, sweet win! 

Thanks Matt! I was considering

SPX and 50 day MA

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 17th of Mar 2022 at 02:14 pm

Thanks Matt! I was considering the same, first rallies usually get sold. Scale in, scale out for me always into demand and supply areas. Risk/reward.

FB symmetry target hit in

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 17th of Mar 2022 at 10:31 am

FB symmetry target hit in $205s for me. Beautiful move off $180s. Out of some calls


DICE follow up

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 17th of Mar 2022 at 10:07 am


Kudos to Steve yesterday for

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 17th of Mar 2022 at 08:01 am

Kudos to Steve yesterday for pointing out the China news before markets opened and to buy of China stocks. The index (FXI) did over 21% yesterday, massive gain.   

Would be amazing to be

Quick Thoughts

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 16th of Mar 2022 at 09:15 pm

Would be amazing to be able to add around 4,300, just not sure the market is going to give us the chance. I hope so. I'm seeing 3 gaps above for bulls to go after on the SPX cash:




Thank you Matt! I don't know if I can get those on Etrade but maybe I can check with customer service if I call in the morning before the day gets going


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