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Thank you! 

I got long some SPX again on the close via SPXL just in case they want to send it back up. Not a full position. Got to sell good rallies in both directions. 

That 3,790 (gap) or 3,800 area looks like a test area unless something changes with earnings or other news. Will adjust when the market decides what it wants to do. I made a good bit on LABD today against my remaining LABU shares. Grabbed some more of those too at $7.99 and still hedged there just not as heavy as before. Will keep trailing all instruments. 

Rug pull in process, SPX lod. 

Not impressed with Goldman. Just

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 18th of Jul 2022 at 10:23 am

Not impressed with Goldman. Just because they can navigate  markets and trade doesn't mean the economy or market is ok. That being said, I'll trade whatever is given, no choice.  

SPX watching for the rug

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 18th of Jul 2022 at 09:57 am

SPX watching for the rug pull at resistance here. Target is gap fill lower if it takes hold, 3,863 area 

Goldman Sachs beat on earnings.

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 18th of Jul 2022 at 07:50 am

Goldman Sachs beat on earnings. Stock up 4% in the premarket: 

Bank of America flat last I looked 

Austin Scott is a Georgia guy, has a degree in business admin (risk mgmt/insurance)..had a series 7 at one point. 

Regarding SPX, nothing like filling a gap 3,899 area and creating another gap at 3,863. No bueno longer term. 

Trading question: Someone mentioned a

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 15th of Jul 2022 at 12:17 pm

Trading question: Someone mentioned a bit back when making a play out of a pattern that certain times were more favorable than others. I believe it was wave based from Mark Miniverni? 

I took today out of the ABC flat as one of those times when there was a good shot being oversold and holding stronger and gap and going on the open. I was already long from lower yesterday though wanted to see if I'm understanding this correctly?

The point is I like betting when I have pocket kings.

Haha! There is more than just the face value for investing to my username here. 

Fundamentals are non negotiables in learning a skill or mastering a sport, etc. 

It's also what I apply in my personal life, my love of my family being my priority. I operate in the disciplines to make that top of mind everyday in action.

I've even learned to love myself somedays along the way and be kind to myself, and apologize when I make mistakes that hurt others. Admitting I'm capable of being wrong and will be again has been so healing. All I really want is for others to have a chance at thriving and believe that they can make the most of their gifts everyday. If there is a,way I can inspire or help in,that, I do it where I can. I went on a bit today here, thanks for hearing me! I don't want to clog the feed. 

Found this a bit earlier. My Gram is still alive in her 90s. That's my Pap, John on the right. The Italian Stallion haha. I lost all my hair but kept the love and glad to share it. Thank you all, really missing him today

Thank you! I'm now teaching my grandson who is 7.

Don't forget to stash those

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 15th of Jul 2022 at 11:10 am

Don't forget to stash those profits in 9.62% Ibonds. $160.33 cents a month on $20,000 invested interest per month to start. Truly passive. $10,000 per person per year maximum electronically. 

I love no risk things with amazing rates that I don't have to babysit. Great place for cash not being used for a year or more. 

For sure, when Obamacare came into play, it was an amazing time to scoop up healthcare companies and ride the train. I like them ongoing, a total no brainer. Lowest risk times to invest when you get this kind of funding. 

Steve, Are you trading for the Pelosis now?'Haha Nice trade!

Yep, always buying too late. I'm not a momo guy either. I shared his article on compounding with many people over the years. It is one of the best articles written on saving discipline, time, etc. Start early and invest regularly! 

My grandfather taught me  family household budegting at 8 years old. I would walk to the bank with him and buy savings bonds. "Pay yourself first, he would say".

He never owed a stock in his life and did just fine. WW2 Vet, super smart guy, with an 8th grade school education. He retired from Westinghouse with 150 employees. 

When he passed I found out just how special he really was. People told me how he went to bat for them and saved their jobs. Would take interest in their families, etc. The greatest generation they are called for a reason.

You picked up on that   

Dow Theory letters. Anyone remember

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 15th of Jul 2022 at 07:32 am

Dow Theory letters. Anyone remember Richard Russell?, who wrote this publication for years. He had so many great articles on investing and life. He used to discuss the transports confirming the Dow when we had a healthy market. As we can see now, we definitely don't have that. Transports have continued weakness. Someone made a point here before that we can't really have a long term fix until the transportation situation/costs with energy get fixed somewhat. I think that is a very valid point. Can't turn on the printing presses now though. 

 The master stock trading family at it again I see. 

I'm not surprised. What we are seeing play out right now is many, many years of failed leadership on the whole. And they are still failing. Enriching themselves while things go down the tubes for those they "serve". There are a handful of bad apples that need to be extracted. Not gonna happen though. 


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