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$VIX Wanted to compliment Matt

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Oct 2022 at 04:06 pm

$VIX Wanted to compliment Matt for showing this chart last evening in the newsletter. This and my other couple tools gave me the confidence to get long again into the big dip today when we were near the demand zone after capitulation.. and ride for some great gains. I've trimmed and trailed along the way of course. 

All one can ask for when trading is a good risk/reward, certainly got it. It has taken me some time to learn what tools to use and just stick with them. Feels good to get it right a few times in one day. I sold that premarket move up to after buying the close yesterday and so glad. 

There are some really good traders in this community. Thank you guys, Steve, Kobie, and others for posting your views intraday. Also very helpful when looking for levels of support/resistance. I had to set some orders as I knew I'd be away for a few hours. The daily ES levels from Steve in the sticky post are an amazing tool and much appreciated. 

SPX Just as I posted

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Oct 2022 at 02:14 pm

SPX Just as I posted this morning. Get em' short in the hole. How does anyone push a short on cpi data already known and markets down a 7th day?.. hilarious how sentiment gets so extreme. 

It should be in everyone's minds now to consider that it could have been the low for the remainder of 2022. Keeping an open mind, following price as always. Lots of money to be made on both sides. Risk/reward.

First gap 3,744 above 

Gap filled 3,577 & more. Booyah

Melting up so fast can't even count or post lol 3,630s I sold a good bit

SPXL re: SPX 49s to

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Oct 2022 at 10:17 am

SPXL re: SPX 49s to 51.50 pretty quick off the divergent low. Locked some in and trailing again. Trading my plan, ignoring the noise. Objective buying of support, and resistances trimming. Risk/reward 

Another really nice long trade setting up here. Will be interesting today to see from where. Would be nice to see one of the systems go long too.

I've got another order in for the next auction. Laddering. Serves a two fold purpose for me as well as when short term rates begin to back off, it will say a lot about other investment opportunities. Until then, I'll keep buying T Bills. Once I see what I'm looking for, I'll systematically pull out of these buckets and invest otherwise. 

T Bills (13 week) Just

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Oct 2022 at 08:47 am

T Bills (13 week) Just checked this morning on the ones we purchased and they were issued at 3.591%. Not a bad rate for short term cash. Even the 4 week are in the 2.9s% I believe. 

I was saying, both can be right, just a matter of timing in this fixed market. Big congrats! ..sounds like we both did well. 

SPX well that worked out

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Oct 2022 at 08:32 am

SPX well that worked out well, downside gap filled now from yesterday's close so far. Good trade though short lived. Let's see where it lands today and then evaluate again. Man that was nasty. 

SPX anyone else catch the

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Oct 2022 at 08:20 am

SPX anyone else catch the beautiful trade rally off the close yesterday into the premarket before the report? Selling some into this nice spike here. The narrative is hilarious. All known data at this point. Yesterday was the 6th day down in a row. Was definitely worth a shot with this extreme bearishness. The masses are often wrong. Better hope Oz behind the curtain flips things again or it could be a long day for bearish bets in the hole. First gap on the upside is 3,744. Of course there is the down gap now from yesterday's close. No clue where it stops or starts, that is why it is important to just take profits on levels for me and trail the rest. That's what I'm doing. Can't get hurt. No fomo, execute the plan. 

Haha good stuff. I have a friend like that too, can always tell as he loves to stay short in the hole. Being down that much, filling a gap, retesting, then piercing lows, off divergences, so much to like. I got bulled up and bought those lows with half my account balance. Took 1/4 off at 3,612, 1/4 off at 3,630. Now trailing. I'd like to be done today, want to watch the Braves game at 1. 

You see the chart Steve posted on the daily. That's exactly what the machines are doing. Buying low and selling on levels, over and over. Crazy how really fragile markets are in the day to day... Just amazing the games that are played. So illiquid. Off my rant now and back to taking what I'm given based on price. 

3,612 filled, now let's see if we can get the 3,630 pivot. See I can play machine games too. What a crock this market is. Ok, I gotta relax, no emotions, they just cause mistakes.

Of note I'm seeing The Dow Jones up .61% leading , green stocks AIG, GM, and GOOG. Maybe some movement up trading wise with PPI tomorrow and bank earnings getting underway soon. 

SPX 3,585 gap filled lower.  First

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 11th of Oct 2022 at 09:44 am

SPX 3,585 gap filled lower. 

First upside gap now at yesterday's close at 3,612. After that one at 3,744. Reversion to mean will be setting up here at some point trading wise. 

Never fear, FV is here haha

Can't even scalp, terrible. I'll hold these thpugh and add if it goes lower. Very stretched away from the mas

SPX long off that retest

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 7th of Oct 2022 at 02:14 pm

SPX long off that retest of the lows, let's go!

We are going to need a refill on downside levels soon bartender   

Mint Mobile is starting to gain a lot of traction. Ryan Reynolds, the actor is one of the owners. I believe the company more than doubled last year. They use T Mobiles towers. I switched and couldn't be happier with them. $30 a month unlimited everything per line. And no more monthly bills. One payment of $360 for the year and I'm done. 

It can be done quarterly on billing too if preferred or every six months. You can also select an even cheaper plan if you don't need the unlimited data. I have some friends who use limited data and pay $15 a month. Just inbox me your email if you would like the information. 

it is getting momentum below the 5 day ma now, so a new 1st entry long will be coming down the pike for one the systems at some point

SPX Steve, to the nose

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 7th of Oct 2022 at 10:23 am

SPX Steve, to the nose again calling 3,660 support if 3,720 gave way. Kudos


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