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Yes they are. Never said they weren't. I was talking about phone customer service hold times because you said they answer the phone. Moving on now, this clogs the feed.

Reminded me of the movie

SPX 60 min

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 3rd of Nov 2022 at 11:13 am

Reminded me of the movie "Back to school" with Rodney Dangerfield. Remember his famous dive the "triple" lindy. Zig zag triple haha

Many brokers have priority customer service lines for certain levels of accounts is what I meant. Hold times less than Treasury direct usually. Whatever works. I want TBills not corporate bonds in this case. Different investments entirely.

I always look forward to your post anytime I post about Treasury Direct   

It does tell you when you buy the bonds that if you don't reinvest it will be returned to your bank account with interest at maturity. You'll have a tax form that explains that breakdown, nothing unusual. Yes, their hold times are likely longer than your broker though if you have a few bucks. 

Just updated my post below, New rate on I Bonds was 6.89%. It is always updated on this page too with a bunch more info and gives you dates, etc.:

No update on the vote to consider raising the max purchase limit yet. 

Yes, it has been working fine. Likely just too many people waiting til the last minute to buy the I Bonds at the 9.62% before the rate changed. The November rate came out on I Bonds too, 6.89% for new issues. These T Bills are darn attractive though for only weeks of holding time. I'm guessing the new 8 week I get will be over 4% now. They were 3.896% last time. Over 4% already on the 13 week. 4.169% last time on those and 17 week at 4.402%. All in the tab mentioned. 

T-Bills 4 and 8 week

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 3rd of Nov 2022 at 08:34 am

T-Bills 4 and 8 week auction is today. Those who placed orders yesterday are in it. I bought some more of the 8 week. I'll let you know what they price at, they issue on 11/08/22. Other upcoming auctions listed here as well:

If you click the tab above the table "Auction Results" you can also view the prior auction results and investment rates they issued at. 

SPX new upside gap at

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 3rd of Nov 2022 at 08:06 am

SPX new upside gap at 3,759.69 on the cash. The only downside gap left from this recent rally at 3,583.07. 

I took a first entry (unleveraged) long against premarket lows, looking to play the upside open gap. Likely a swing trade that could take heat and maybe multiple entries, though I'm open to surprises. 

Thanks Matt. Maybe we will get stretched enough this time if things flatten out and/or the 3,583 fills. Certainly no rush.

Way to hang in there Fred! Congrats!

4 and 8 week Tbills

CD Rates Going Up 

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Nov 2022 at 04:04 pm

4 and 8 week Tbills much better. Order by tonight for the new ones.

So glad to see this, now we need a good budget in place. 

Matt, anything showing for systems

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Nov 2022 at 03:38 pm

Matt, anything showing for systems to consider going long? Congrats on the shorts today.

SPX gaps filled at 3,807

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Nov 2022 at 03:34 pm

SPX gaps filled at 3,807 & 3,797. Only one left open from this recent rally on the downside is 3,583. 

3,856 filled, they aren't even slick anymore..gapmaster out on the push to 3,875, good enough

I am long 1/2 an

NQ 5min inverse h&s ?

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Nov 2022 at 01:21 pm

I am long 1/2 an entry off 3,825 area via SPXL as I think the 3,856 gap could close sometime before or after the meeting. Just a guess. 

T Bills update: 4.4002% investment

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Nov 2022 at 12:43 pm

T Bills update: 4.4002% investment rate for the 17 week auction result today. 

Orders for the new 4 week and 8 week T Bills need to be placed before tomorrow morning. If I was considering buying, I'd do it asap. 

Our last 8 week T Bills priced at a 3.896% investment rate. We have been laddering recently and also have some 13 week bills. 

Sure Stevo, will have to look for one. Always glad to share too and hear what others are up to.. 

I have maybe a dozen friends and family named Steve now haha. My Pap, Dad, two brothers, all Steve. A few here. Good guys! 

Thanks Matt. That was an important point you made yesterday regarding the systems trades and how they leverage with their entries. 

1st entry 1x exposure, 2nd entry leveraged to 2x, and 3x for a 3rd entry, etc. Hugely important for best odds of success in the strategy. 

I've done it with equal entries in the past without leverage and it can leave a trade sometimes borderline when nearing the 5 day moving average if conditions exit there. Just takes a little practice to get all the pieces together.

When learning a strategy, I find it best to just specialize in it and not look at anything else. I learn better that way. That's just me. I'm like that with art, give me 70 colored pencils and I just pick 5 from the box, and only they exist for me. I can add later after I use 5.

Speaking of art, here's my most recent, Owl..very relaxing 

SPX first upside gap at

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Nov 2022 at 09:56 am

SPX first upside gap at 3,856, yesterday's close price on the cash. Downside gaps at 3,807 then 3,797. 


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