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SPX An open gap above

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 9th of Nov 2022 at 09:01 am

SPX An open gap above now at yesterday's close 3,828.11. The small gaps have been an opportunity in recent days and have usually filled. Trading off a support has provided a good risk/reward setup. 

I sold my short on that woosh down into support. No complaints, two very good trades today. Just had to wait for the right setups. Will see how things set up tomorrow and go from there. 

Agree, very small hedge for me in that one account for me. I always start small, sometimes it is less profit if it wins faster  though it protects me if i have to scale in 

DIS reports after the close

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 8th of Nov 2022 at 10:39 am

DIS reports after the close tonight 

Great risk/reward charting Matt. I

SPX views

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 8th of Nov 2022 at 10:35 am

Great risk/reward charting Matt. I took the short at 3,831. Also had another trade in the morning  premarket playing the gap to the downside. 

Excellent point you gave a reminder on last night on waiting for the right trades. I can never hear that enough. 

Bitcoin notable day back above

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 4th of Nov 2022 at 04:02 pm

Bitcoin notable day back above 21k. 

abc flats..I'm doing some research, looks like can be various types of these. I'm much better with gaps and other tools, though I'm going to keep studying them and learning from you

I was just going to type a note too! Kudos to Steve! Really helped me with my plan today. I played both sides for great profits! Steve!!!

Let's see that gap fill! 3,719.89 

Boom, gapmaster strikes again   

No need to overtrade, will let another gap setup now or something obvious to shoot for. We have dinner guests at 6, calling it a day. 

SPX Thin garbage today, horseshoe

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 4th of Nov 2022 at 11:49 am

SPX Thin garbage today, horseshoe action 

We are going to get

Systems and long

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 4th of Nov 2022 at 10:05 am

We are going to get a long signal again one of these times! Thanks Matt

38% fib coincided with that

SPX 10

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 4th of Nov 2022 at 09:44 am

38% fib coincided with that 3,781 level you have in the sticky post! supply agreement

I have that chart beside

SPX 10

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 4th of Nov 2022 at 09:22 am

I have that chart beside me, along with the 2 hour you shared open for easy reference, of great use for me. Really good work Steve, thank you!

I agree arun! Confirmation bias is just that. The price says it all. 

SPX I'll be starting a

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 4th of Nov 2022 at 09:06 am

SPX I'll be starting a short position to hedge my long term inventory (acquired in the corona crash mostly and some cost averaging in recent months) into this spike. Starting unleveraged as usual. First target below the 3,719.89 gap below from yesterday. Looks like the 3,759 gap will fill now unless it somehow reverses before 9:30am on the cash. 

Robert Shiller's 'Buy-on-Dips Confidence Index' looks bullish now:

I'll just continue to trade the price, gaps, and risk/reward as usual. I'm not a bull or bear. I'm a trader/investor looking for opportunities to profit and take care of his family. I'll take advantage whenever those situations appear in the areas that I specialize in. 

Taking profits with the move up premarket into 3,750s. Close enough. Now a gap below at 3,719.89 (yesterday's close) on the cash if this holds up in regular market hours. I'll wait to see if we come down and retest 3,700 on the way to 3,650 at the .618. If not, that is fine as I have long inventory otherwise from the corona crash that will benefit.

Sure, I messaged you as well..testing my inbox

T-Bills auction results from today: 4

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 3rd of Nov 2022 at 06:46 pm

T-Bills auction results from today:

4 week-3.681% 

8 week-3.958% 

I got some of the 8 week ones as previously mentioned for our ladder. 


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