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I'm in - stop limit

PWER trade idea

Posted by frtaylor on 28th of Sep 2010 at 09:48 am

I'm in - stop limit triggered.

For clearly delineated resistance breakouts,

APWR nice!

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of Sep 2010 at 05:09 pm

For clearly delineated resistance breakouts, I just use a stop limit order. It only triggers if it exceeds the stop price but is still below the limit price.

Thanks, I picked up a

EX bottoming play

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of Sep 2010 at 04:01 pm

Thanks, I picked up a little of it.

Yeah, thank you for this

APWR nice!

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of Sep 2010 at 03:33 pm

Yeah, thank you for this one! Didn't get it all, but much of it!

Wow, it is going NORTH!

No idea on the fundamentals or news stories, etc. For me it was a simple technical trade.

Thanks, Palladin. Although I came out ahead last year overall (my first year trading), I lost a lot of what I had gained through another stock service where I tried to learn to scalp ( - argh!). I've been very risk averse since then, always worrying about getting in a losing trade. Been trying to find my sea legs here at BPT. It's been a very good move for me.

Yes, true. But it is also good to learn different ways to think.  Or, maybe I'm overthinking it. Thanks, Steve.

APWR - review of my trade and comments welcome

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of Sep 2010 at 02:10 pm

As you may know, I am new to technical trading. I bought APWR this morning at 6.65 and just sold at 7:15 considering it had bumped up against resistance just a few minutes before. Any and all comments on whether this was a rational way to trade, plus ways I could improve? How would you have handled this trade? Thanks.

APWR breaking out w/ good volume

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of Sep 2010 at 11:44 am

GDP - a second opportunity?

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of Sep 2010 at 11:41 am

Looks like GDP is giving another opportunity to get in. Or is it just weak? I'm not the right one to answer that one.

thanks, and good information about

Short Setup

Posted by frtaylor on 26th of Sep 2010 at 10:25 pm

thanks, and good information about reading the bear flag. didn't know that.

I know you often like

Short Setup

Posted by frtaylor on 26th of Sep 2010 at 10:17 pm

I know you often like to buy at support or (as in this case) sell short at resistance, w/ a tight stop. In this case, would you consider that to be a reasonable way to trade PWER, and if so, would resistance be around 9.70?

wouldn't we need to see


Posted by frtaylor on 26th of Sep 2010 at 08:04 pm

wouldn't we need to see more touches of the upper trend line of your channel before we could say that is in fact the upper trend line? You've only got one point touching that upper line so far. Not saying it couldn't come to pass but it's premature at this point, no?

I've been watching w/ amazement at how long it's holding just below resistance w/ out retreating. Seems like it's going to break through, but then what do I know? Just seems that way given that it hasn't retreated once since going up.

Wow, great stats there - thanks BPT for undertaking this!

I got in in the


Posted by frtaylor on 24th of Sep 2010 at 10:21 am

I got in in the low 18's then out again in the low 19's when there was a possibility of a pullback. Wish I'd only taken 1/2 out! Very afraid of losing money based on a bad year last year w/ a service that was not good for me.

Thanks, Matt. I think it's

Meaning of the big rally?

Posted by frtaylor on 24th of Sep 2010 at 10:18 am

Thanks, Matt. I think it's a hard time for someone to jump into learning about the market. So many new variables that are pushing and pulling on things. No worries, though, by no means did I bet the farm. Just down a very small bit overall. Mostly in cash. Your site has been excellent for me overall, especially the GDX! Thank goodness for that.


Posted by frtaylor on 24th of Sep 2010 at 10:08 am

Wow, SLV lept over its all time high today! Matt, if you would care to opine on this development I am all ears.

wow - thanks rreich. Whew,

Meaning of the big rally?

Posted by frtaylor on 24th of Sep 2010 at 10:04 am

wow - thanks rreich. Whew, I have a lot to learn. I'm new to technical analysis. I think it may be best for me not to try to trade the S&P and rather stick w/ Matt and Steve's stock trade ideas. It's just that they focus so much on it in their newsletter that I kinda get drawn in. I bought some SDS day before yesterday when the stochastics broke above 20% and now I'm in the red....


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