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Occasionally the STS can be lower - here is an excerpt from the KISS Systems FAQ: 

it looks like each new STS always moved up to a higher price from the previous one, is that true?

In most cases this is what you will see, probably 90% or more of the time. However, there are times when the new STS will be at a lower price than the previous one. The reason for this is because the system is using multiple average true range calculations (which are volatility-based,) and when the new STS stop drops lower than the previous one, the system likely handed off one of the ATR functions to a wider one, hence the stop gets wider.

Yeah, surely no need to bear the cost for SMS. I'm on an Android phone here in the UK and could get alerts for my linked Googlemail account just as easily rather than SMS. Most people would be in a similar position, I reckon? 

Hi Matt, user 'najor' was

Posted by crossharry on 17th of Aug 2024 at 06:12 pm

Hi Matt, user 'najor' was asking about AGQ trade #116 - if you go into the trade list, #116 is a past trade that entered on May 6 and closed out on May 22. From the way najor phrased their question about whether an end of day bar is a "continuation or an exit", I'm not sure they have quite understood that High Performance KISS trades only exit on hitting the STS, which is likely to be intrabar. 

 On the trade list, the 'Exit Date' for trade #116 is down as is 05/22/2024 16:00, however what I was trying to explain is that 16:00 is not the actual time the trade exited, it is merely a reference to that particular (130 min) time bar/candle. The actual time of exit is unknown, but we do know it will have been intrabar on this 16:00 bar/candle because the OHLC data shows the low to be 42.7 i.e. lower than the STS on that date. 

I hope I have not made things more confusing - delete my post if so!   

Hi, I think 16:00 just refers to the bar in question, not the actual time the trade closed out. In this AGQ case, it's the last 130 min bar of the trading day. If it was the bar before, time stamp for Exit would be 13:50. However, all these High Performance KISS System trades only close out if the STS is hit. For trade #116 of AGQ, if you go to the chart, you can see that the current STS for that trade is 43.0134. However, if you put your cursor over the 16:00 bar to see the OLHC data, you can see that the low of the bar is 42.7 i.e. lower than the STS. Therefore, some time during the course of that 130 min 16.00 bar, the STS will have been hit and the trade should be closed out.

Oh, and it's 011 not 001 at the beginning. 

I did a quick search - 64 is the country code for NZ, 61 is Oz :) 

Ah right, however the text alert suggests a new long for UPRO rather than a new STS level.

If you click on the chart of UPRO 30, it looks like the trade did go long on Aug 6. So which date is correct?

Great, thanks - I just got verified for my UK mobile phone number.

If we see anything we think needs addressing, do you want us to report it here or by mail? For example, here is a chart of SSO 78m, showing what appears to be a losing trade that triggers on 22 July. However, it's really a 'phantom' trade as the previous trade from 05/31 is still running at this point, as per the STS levels that you can see. If you go to the Trades tab, this phantom trade is missing as expected. 

In the high performance list, does anyone know what the '0' minute systems are?

Great version - the Irish

Off Top non-market related

Posted by crossharry on 5th of Aug 2024 at 06:36 pm

Great version - the Irish voice helps. Have you ever been to Dublin? The guy is standing at the St Stephens Green end of Grafton Street.  It's one of the main shopping / tourist areas. I can smell the Guinness fumes from here...   

Hey Matt, for the index futures KISS systems, does the '% of winning trades' metric tend to get better as the time frames get shorter? I think 78min tends to be the shortest time frame you publish, is that the best %?

For the Daily KISS systems,


Posted by crossharry on 19th of Feb 2024 at 09:20 am

For the Daily KISS systems, I believe stops are only triggered on a closing basis. For the new high performance / shorter time frame version (not yet released), stops will be intrabar i.e. if and when the level is hit.

Hi Matt, these 78m systems look great. Which of them has the highest / lowest winning percentage? I like to factor that into my trading as I still take losers too personally!

Not underrated in the UK or their home town of Manchester, which is my home town :) 

The city produced some great Indie bands in the 80s and 90s as well as the Smiths - Joy Division, New Order, James, Happy Mondays, The Verve, Stone Roses, The Charlatans, plus Oasis of course. A great time to be alive. 

Hi Matt, re your newsletter last night, I have looked at some of your previous screenshots for the new VIX Bollinger Band strategy and noticed that some of the SPY trades were a bit early, so I was inspired to try to re-create the strategy in TradeStation and for good measure I added scale-ins - this improves the Profit Factor as you can see. I have also attached screenshots of recent trades. Also, in your newsletter you mentioned the strategy can "scale out at average true range moves" - can you possibly give me a little more insight on how the ATR is used so that I can attempt to code this type of exit?

Hi Matt, just out of

SPX view

Posted by crossharry on 5th of May 2023 at 11:14 am

Hi Matt, just out of interest, is the DVDS short still in play as per the rules of the code?

Matt, you're such a tease,

DVDS systems short update

Posted by crossharry on 2nd of May 2023 at 10:28 am

Matt, you're such a tease, it's uncanny how often your systems take us to the brink - to hell and back, baby!   


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