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SPX 30 View

Posted by cal1 on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 10:55 am



Beautiful job last night!

Should prove to be interesting. Let's hope historic.



Posted by cal1 on 1st of Nov 2009 at 10:16 pm

Notice the megaphone pattern which has clearly emerged. In my opinion, the SPX would need a possibly unprecedented move up ASAP, in order to make this anything other than a bottom formation on the VIX. With all the other sentiment indicatiors being triggered in recent days including volume triggers, outside reversals and broken trendlines, what should be expected is a consolidation flag led by a low volume retest. This could be a painfully slow roll over. A lot of people have their reputations invested in this so-called "new bull market".

Transports and REITS

Posted by cal1 on 18th of Oct 2009 at 10:00 am

... failed to make new highs.

... hoping for justice!


Posted by cal1 on 18th of Oct 2009 at 09:53 am

... hoping for justice!

Baltic Dry Index

Posted by cal1 on 18th of Oct 2009 at 09:50 am

Appears to be exiting a downtrend.

have you read the original

The Dollar

Posted by cal1 on 8th of Oct 2009 at 08:47 pm

have you read the original article?

If U3O8 can hold $40 and the US dollar breaks down further, I would expect the small Uranium and the rare earth miners as well as golds to really begin to move. Once we get the big fellas out into new highs, the little ones will follow.

srs I agree odds are it'll

did SRS 15min cross? thx

Posted by cal1 on 28th of Jul 2009 at 12:07 pm


I agree odds are it'll cross... next.

Just because some of us

Mech systems

Posted by cal1 on 24th of Jul 2009 at 09:47 pm

Just because some of us think it maybe the time to short FOR WHAT EVER REASON... doesn't mean it's time. Send out your probes. Test the market. Doubt the trend. Keep your stops tight. But, don't look away. Cause that's when it will turn.

... here, here!

another reminder not fighting the trend

Posted by cal1 on 14th of Jul 2009 at 12:14 pm

... here, here!

Looks very inviting! I'm starting off a little SRS long. Stop @20.50

Looks like it may hold. Shouldn't

SRS 15Min Chart

Posted by cal1 on 7th of Jul 2009 at 12:22 pm

Looks like it may hold. Shouldn't take too long to find out.

It's shaping up nice. A little oversold at the moment but, the daily chart is still pretty fair.

I started out short @8.56 on Thursday. Will add some when we break $8.

Could be very soon...


Mechanical Systems results

Posted by cal1 on 3rd of Jul 2009 at 11:30 am

Definately. Sometimes certain shares are unavailable to short and this is a good alternative. Do a search for srs/ure. It's been discussed.

It's rather saddening to see the SRS pay such tepid returns. However, we have noted these lower returns in the past and still averaged surprising prifits over time. My advice to myself is... now is not the time to get complacent and look away.

TD Active Trader

Platform upgrade question…

Posted by cal1 on 17th of May 2009 at 03:13 pm

No automation at the present time. If you do look into active trader, be sure to enquire about  A.T. WEB. It's an unadvertized website that allows you to make your trades in realtime if you have access to the internet but, not your trading platform... a back up. I plan to use it on occasion with a 3G.


Platform upgrade question…

Posted by cal1 on 16th of May 2009 at 01:49 pm

I recently upgraded to TD Active Trader. As far as features go, this platform isn't an industry leader. Having said that, it is fairly quick to find a set up that fits ones needs. I used the demo for a couple of days then went live in time to catch the buy signal on SRS yesterday morning. Needless to say my first trade on the platform was a winner.

I'm from Canada as well and I allready had an account with TD WebBroker, so it was an easy transition to the direct platform. The "investment reps" in the active trader department are vastly more helpful and knowledgable about their systems.

I've still got an extra membership at "Stockcharts". I will probably bump it back up to a realtime. If I don't find something better.

FAZ/FAS New System

Posted by cal1 on 12th of May 2009 at 09:08 am

Matt or Dodger

If necessity dictates, can we buy long the FAS using the FAZ short signal? Similar to SRS/URE??



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