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R u still short?

Gold Short...

Posted by cal1 on 16th of Nov 2009 at 01:15 pm

R u still short?


A humble opinion...

Posted by cal1 on 16th of Nov 2009 at 11:55 am

Don't try picking tops. It shows greed and that's bad manners Wink.

It's better to wait till it's obvious the top is in, then sneak in a small short while the others are beginning to get fearful ie; at broken support... then wait. Add a little more on the retest of support then again on retracements during the new trend. Following stops... not too tight.

my point


Posted by cal1 on 16th of Nov 2009 at 11:35 am

my point

All of these little signals

waiting for 2nd pass....

Posted by cal1 on 16th of Nov 2009 at 11:32 am

All of these little signals can get a boy chompin at the bit. Having said that, I think the bulls won't give up without a fight. Could be a slow roll over.

Would be nice to see

waiting for 2nd pass....

Posted by cal1 on 16th of Nov 2009 at 11:28 am

Would be nice to see a high volume pullback this week and a failure to retest the high, with a breakdown triggering initial shorts early next week.

(please excuse my fan lines)

waiting for 2nd pass....

Posted by cal1 on 16th of Nov 2009 at 11:10 am

The low volume up this morning suggests a reversal today wouldn't be a surprize. These divergent highs on the 60min chart are very welcome in what looks like a 5th wave with decent symmetry.



Posted by cal1 on 13th of Nov 2009 at 09:46 pm

It is possible that financials are continuing to lead.

A humble opinion...

Posted by cal1 on 13th of Nov 2009 at 09:28 pm
Title: Trader discipline.



Posted by cal1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 03:49 pm



Posted by cal1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 03:46 pm

As the S&P500 puts in a higher high, the VIX may be making a higher low.

....couple more days at these


Posted by cal1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 01:54 pm

....couple more days at these levels with some neg divergance should show something.

How 'bout the potential for


Posted by cal1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 01:50 pm

How 'bout the potential for the slow sto 60?? Looking good. May even rane in this advance.

ishares Canadian matched for S&P500

Posted by cal1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 01:45 pm

yes. Steve Nelson pointed it

General Electric

Posted by cal1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 01:07 pm

yes. Steve Nelson pointed it out a couple weeks ago. It's continuing.

General Electric

Posted by cal1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 11:08 am

... not quite holding up! Here's one big cap not participating.

I think we aren't the

Oil strange...

Posted by cal1 on 11th of Nov 2009 at 10:17 am

I think we aren't the only ones concerned with this market right in here.


Posted by cal1 on 4th of Nov 2009 at 03:55 pm

Totally agree...

another up day

Posted by cal1 on 4th of Nov 2009 at 03:31 pm

I think we're not alone!!

60 min fan chart

Posted by cal1 on 4th of Nov 2009 at 10:52 am


RIMM Any thoughts?? It keeps crashing

Posted by cal1 on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 04:33 pm

I believe Citi reccomended selling RIMM this afternoon.


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