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Delayed order fill confirmations

Posted by cal1 on 7th of May 2009 at 01:08 pm

Has any one else (especially in Canada) had delayed fill confirmations on market orders?

I've been forced to stop trading because my broker TD Waterhouse can't confirm my fills. Some delays are taking up to 30 minutes... how about that? And they call themselves a broker. Can't wait to leave....    It's sad today cause the SRS is looking pretty good right in here. goodluck.


Posted by cal1 on 5th of May 2009 at 10:36 am

Testing resistance on the 1 min chart.

I am substituting the URE


Posted by cal1 on 4th of May 2009 at 10:09 pm

I am substituting the URE long for the SRS shorts. Did very well this afternoon. Got in at 3.81 and sold half way up. Had technical problems with TD Waterhouse and decided to get out early... very sad... managed to put 7.48% in the bank. Be sure to hold till the end of the day!

Yes RP, I've always admired

Posted by cal1 on 3rd of May 2009 at 07:40 pm

Yes RP, I've always admired MA systems but, never experienced one quite like this SRS. It has been good to me. I used to feel like a tip taker if I bought a stock that wasn't from my own finding. Since joining Breakpoint almost a year ago, I confess I never made these kinds of profits. Funny thing is being in the company of you and these other smart traders is teaching me some things about myself, and how I deal with my emotions surrounding trading.       The end of day spike was unexpected but, then again, just when I think I can predict the market... it reminds me I can't. I'll be away from my computer tomorrow but, will be present with my 3G. Good Luck!

Very nice call there man!!!

Posted by cal1 on 1st of May 2009 at 04:03 pm

Very nice call there man!!! Didn't I say that was a beauty??

RP,    Is this the chart

Posted by cal1 on 1st of May 2009 at 11:03 am

RP,    Is this the chart that gives you your upside projection on the SRS?

$DJR at 112.50???

How bout this consolidation on

Posted by cal1 on 1st of May 2009 at 10:57 am

How bout this consolidation on the 1 min chart. I wouldn't mind if it continued for hours....

This most recent trendline break

Posted by cal1 on 1st of May 2009 at 10:51 am

This most recent trendline break is one off of higher lows... tells me support very near... for SRS

That would be very nice

Posted by cal1 on 1st of May 2009 at 10:30 am

That would be very nice indeed. I'd be quite happy to reach 27.58 today Smile

So true! And it looks

Posted by cal1 on 1st of May 2009 at 10:21 am

So true! And it looks like we're headed that way...

Looks encouraging... seems to be

Posted by cal1 on 1st of May 2009 at 10:12 am

Looks encouraging... seems to be some major bears out there today... I like SRS over 24.12

What a beautiful chart........!

Posted by cal1 on 1st of May 2009 at 09:50 am

What a beautiful chart........!

SRS 15 min

Posted by cal1 on 29th of Apr 2009 at 08:32 am

If we get a gap on the open, and it plays out to the downside, is anyone going to extend yesterday's short and go back in short for a day trade?

I use TD Waterhouse in


Posted by cal1 on 29th of Apr 2009 at 06:46 am

I use TD Waterhouse in Canada. They seldom have any SRS shares available to short... if ever! Instead I trade the URE long, using the short signals from the SRS chart. One advantage is, I'm always long with this system. It does save a little in interest.

SRS/URE 15 min

Posted by cal1 on 23rd of Apr 2009 at 04:32 pm

Hey Matt, was this the day you reminded everybody about? What a ride!

EMA kiss then rally?

You bet! Especially if you


Posted by cal1 on 21st of Apr 2009 at 09:39 am

You bet! Especially if you show us how you bounced those accounts of yours a thousand % Wink

Someone reffered to it last

SRS System EOD?

Posted by cal1 on 20th of Apr 2009 at 12:28 pm

Someone reffered to it last week as "butting in" when they choose to second guess the system. It's good to be careful as you enter your trades but, recently I was exiting earlier, around 3:45(for convenience sake). On the last signal trade if I had held for just 10 more minutes, I would have increased my profit be 52%. Money mouth

ETF's and Risk

Posted by cal1 on 16th of Apr 2009 at 01:15 pm

Any opinions about what the biggest risks are to holding ETF's?

Clever satire is like coffee in the morning.


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