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the hard way.  Thanks for the reminder, Matt.  Putting a stop in place moments after buying a stock is now just a part of the process for me.

Great idea Matt, for those so inclined......

Futures Trading

Posted by RichieD on 13th of Nov 2012 at 06:47 am

but hopefully it will not take either you or Steve away from the BPT Trading Community where the majority of subscribers benefit from your input each and every day.

It feels like we're right back to some form of manipulation of the mining stocks.  So many gold stocks have drifted downward for the past month or so in sympathy to the downward move in gold.  Yet, when gold rallies like today (gold is up $12.00+), many miners continue to sell off (despite a rise in the precious metal and the general market). 

Feels like what its been like the past year and a half, except for that brief 2 month period late July-late September: price of gold rises, mining stocks don't.  Price of gold drops, miners drop harder.  Market rises; miners do not follow. 

What gives if not manipulation??  Are all the miners losing money or dropping in earnings despite the relatively high price of gold?  

Title: click to expand

on the link you provided, and it makes little sense to me.  Claims to be a bullish reversal pattern with moderate reliability. ..the three stick bottoms defining or forming strong(?) support.  But the way I interpret the action (in lay terms, not candlestick analysis) is very different.  I view yesterday's white candle as nothing more than a one-day short covering rally that was rejected in spades yet again today (on higher volume). Obviously, the proof will be in the pudding, so I guess we'll have to see if AAPL rallies up from here tomorrow or crashes through "support".  



AAPL in Freefall???

Posted by RichieD on 19th of Oct 2012 at 03:38 pm

Wow; AAPL has fallen faster than predicted and went right through major support (around $619-$620) faster than a knife through butter. 

Question: Which stock hits its 200 day ma first: AAPL or GOOG? 

Suggested stop on ARNA?

Posted by RichieD on 17th of Oct 2012 at 12:44 pm

Matt?  Steve?? Anyone??  I have a solid gain I'd like to protect while allowing the stock some room to move.  Thanks.


Posted by RichieD on 12th of Oct 2012 at 10:35 am

Beware: Fidelity now automatically inserts an order expiration date of 180 days whenever an account holder puts a stop loss order in place.  Just noticed this when placing stops on a "good until cancelled" basis for two recent trades.  Don't recall ever seeing this before. 

Another ridiculous policy to discourage trading...not that I'm ever going to hold a stock for that period of time, but that's besides the point.  Oh yeah, they allow you to request notification up to 5 days in advance of the order cancelling.  Big deal. 

Thoughts on JVA

Posted by RichieD on 10th of Oct 2012 at 07:52 pm

Looks like JVA is tracing out a giant flag pattern on the daily chart at Volume has fallen off a cliff since the run up (on huge volume) in early September. Today's candle bounced right off the 50 ma and looks like a hammer (reversal pattern?).  

Thoughts on buying if it opens above today's close and continues to move higher...with a stop at the 50 ma?

Sorry - I don't know how to post the chart.

Totally agree, Steve


Posted by RichieD on 5th of Oct 2012 at 03:20 pm

I never got in on this one (NTE).

"When the AAPL is ripe it will fall"

Posted by RichieD on 5th of Oct 2012 at 03:17 pm

Today a break of the 50 ma, next week a brief stop at $620....and eventually it finds support at the 200 ma ($569.75).  Its fun being a contrarian.   


Posted by RichieD on 5th of Oct 2012 at 02:52 pm

Textbook example of why we need to place stops immediately after purchase.  Opened at $10.81, rocketed to $11.75; now $10.83 and fading.  How pathetic! Guess the day traders refuse to hold this stock into the weekend. 

I have a bevy of gold and silver mining stocks....

Posted by RichieD on 14th of Sep 2012 at 01:56 pm

that have made huge gains the past month or two and are now trading outside their upper Bollinger Band and seem oversold on the RSI indicator and others.  Unlike the non-precious metal stocks which I trade short term, I tend to hold the gold/silver miners for the long-term ride up.  Nevertheless, these have risen so far so fast that I'm wondering if it makes sense selling some now with an objective of re-purchasing after a significant pullback......or whether I'm playing with fire with such an approach.




In fact, if you think about it, other than being heavily regulated and certainly more liquid, there's not much difference between buying or selling stock and buying or selling baseball cards.  There's certainly no "intrinsic" worth in either (only what the next person in line is willing to pay)....and both trade more on emotional/technical factors than anything rational.  Is one share of APPL truly "worth" $600+, or is that just the going (current) price?  Its all a game with made up rules that everyone abides by.       

Very much agree......


Posted by RichieD on 31st of Jul 2012 at 06:51 am

with your perspective, caddpro123.  I too, have held my gold and silver stocks through this brutal selloff.  They are the only stocks I trade without hard stops in place, since I believe in the long-term story that supports their rise.  Its only a matter of when, not if. The Fed cannot manipulate forever.  

One the day the world will wake up to the fact that the European crisis pales in comparison to the crisis right here at home.  That's the day the $US dollar is toast and gold/silver really shine. Might be next week, next month or a year or two down the road, but rest assured the world will realize "The Emperor (the US) truly has no clothes".

Until then we feel the pain.....   

This would have saved you the drive as long as your wife had her cellphone on her (ie., didn't lock it in the car with her keys).  I assume that was the case since she called you.
Subject: Have you locked your keys in the car?

Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button on their key, holding it near the mobile phone on their end.  Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you.  Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other "remote" for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
Honestly, Matt.  This works.  I've tried it.  Hope your wife and child are safe at home this morning.

Purchasing Physical Gold

Posted by RichieD on 23rd of Jul 2012 at 01:28 pm

Considering buying through a local, trustworthy dealer but also wonder if anyone has information as to the reputability of the following online firms:

APMEX, Goldline Int'l or GoldenEagle coins.  Markup is about 4-5% over spot when buying with cash or check...higher by credit card

Any other thoughts on buying would be welcomed.  Do you prefer buying through a dealer for issues of privacy, etc.? 

Thoughts on GENE?

Posted by RichieD on 25th of Jun 2012 at 03:26 pm

True sethbru but...........

The Essence of Operation Twist

Posted by RichieD on 20th of Jun 2012 at 04:59 pm

the due date for paying off the principal amount on these securities gets shorter and shorter and shorter...that's the ultimate killer.  We don't have the money to pay back the principal...never did.  One day the game ends when no one is willing to lend the US Government money at 0.001%, hoping at best to get their money back from an entity that needs to either borrow yet again or print money to honor the obligation.  The music is CERTAIN to stop at some point, lower interest rates not withstanding.


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