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Obama's $300 Billion for jobs....

Posted by RichieD on 7th of Sep 2011 at 08:21 pm

See article here: 

Two questions: 

1. How does extending the payroll tax break create 600,000 jobs?

2. How can a government that doesn't have two nickels to rub together afford this? 

Title: At what point..........
I'm frustrated as hell regarding my core mining positions (held for the long-term) and as baffled as the next investor.  Gold mining shares drop when the price of gold tails off and, as evidenced by the action this past week, the mining shares collapse when the price of gold soars.  Does manipulation of any sort play a role in the miners?  If not, why is there no scenario that seems to push these stocks higher?
I understand the charts and technical indicators are horrific at the moment,; I'm trying to understand why. 
Mining shares have underperformed the general market as the market moved up, and they now sell off to a greater degree as the market tumbles...all as gold moves $50.00 to the upside.  The miners should represent a leveraged play on the underlying metal.  No manipulation you say; then what?  Their movement has been completely irrational for at least 4-6 months.
Anyone have a plausible explanation they can share?

You have got to be kidding............

Posted by RichieD on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 05:37 pm

Gold up $40.00 today yet the miners sell off into the close.  I know: mining costs are up. Big deal: they're no higher than they were yesterday, but gold IS $40.00 higher today and heading to $1700+.  Mining stocks should be soaring to all-time highs.  When will this nonsense (manipulation) end?????



Posted by RichieD on 27th of Jul 2011 at 05:42 pm

I place stops on low priced stocks all the time.  I'm baffled why fidelity says different rules apply to SCEI.  Matt or Steve, any ideas?? 



Posted by RichieD on 27th of Jul 2011 at 01:59 pm

They state a stop loss order cannot be placed for this security


Posted by RichieD on 27th of Jul 2011 at 01:37 pm

Any idea why Fidelity won't allow me to place a stop loss order on this stock??


Posted by RichieD on 21st of Jul 2011 at 10:21 am

I'm out as well...@ $2.30/share.  In late yesterday at $1.85.  A cool 24% gain essentially overnight.  Thank you Matt for the posting.


Posted by RichieD on 18th of Jul 2011 at 07:59 pm

Bought this stock for a core position at $0.62/share back in 2008....holding through thick and thin ever since.  When the stock went parabolic late last week, vaulting outside its upper Bollinger band Friday afternoon, I took 2/3rds of my position off the table, selling at $3.175...with the idea of buying back in a week or two after the "inevitable" pullback. Stock rocketed higher yet again today, and although I still own 1/3rd of my original position and made some more $$$, it feels like I tried to be too clever.  Still think I did the right thing - stock has risen like an elevator for too many days running.


Matt or Steve: Why is it necessary.........

Posted by RichieD on 18th of Jul 2011 at 07:27 pm
Title: click to expand

Cautionary Note on Purchasing USO

Posted by RichieD on 29th of Jun 2011 at 07:21 am

This is just to remind anyone planning to purchase USO through their retirement account that you will receive an end of year K-1 (and be required to pay tax on the earnings) if you make any money on the trade.  That's correct!!  USO is a Limited Partnership (LP) and there's a little known law on the books that trumps the fact that you're investing through a tax deferred account.  

Happened to me a few years back; I questioned Fidelity about it, they researched the issue and found that limited partnerships by law must issue all shareholders K-1's at end of year, regardless of whether investments are on a pre-tax or after tax basis.  Not saying therefore not to do the trade, just to be aware of the tax consequences if doing so through a profit sharing plan, 401k plan or IRA.

Newsletter format

Posted by RichieD on 7th of Jun 2011 at 06:41 am

For what its worth, I prefer the former video format that allows the reader to scroll through the audio to match it with any screen within the newsletter.  Today's new format does not accommodate that option, though I do think the yellow highlight feature is a positive improvement.


Posted by RichieD on 3rd of Jun 2011 at 06:26 am

Giant flag playing out for another highly speculative 1 or 2 day pop??  Thoughts

Your Son Michael

My Son Michael

Posted by RichieD on 6th of Apr 2011 at 09:33 am


Your son may be eligible for the New England Regional Student Tuition Program where you pay in-state tuition (same as what a Massachusetts resident pays) if your home state (Maine) does not have a comparable program.  Check it out if you have not done so already:

Setting stops - confused

Posted by RichieD on 31st of Mar 2011 at 12:05 pm

Steve, Matt or anyone else:

I use a Fidelity Investments brokerage account for trading.  Often when setting stops I receive a warning message from Fidelity before they execute the order that says: "Stop orders placed for OTC securities may be cancelled at any time at the market maker's discretion."

Is that really true??  If so, what's a trader to do?  Is this their way of discouraging trading??

Setting stops when long low priced stocks

Posted by RichieD on 10th of Mar 2011 at 06:58 pm

Help!  I'm finding it difficult placing stops on low priced ($1.00-$2.00) stocks that have done well for me (gains of 30-40%).  Most have large spreads between the bid & ask.  Want some protection but don't want to give up 1/3rd of the gain doing so if the market maker is willing to take me out.  For example, I bought a volatile Nasdaq stock with a rounding base at $1.06 about a month ago.  It ran to $1.60 over a few weeks time, then stalled (went sideways) on lower volume while digesting that monster gain.  The bid/ask frequently shows a $0.18-$0.20 spread (especially overnight).  So at $1.60 last price and not moving higher, it might show $1.46 bid, $1.64 ask.  I'm willing to accept being stopped out at around $1.54 in exchange for the upside potential (another burst of $0.20 or so), but fear if If I put in a stop loss at that price, I'll be immediately be taken out by the market maker before the stock reverses higher to meet the ask.

Looking for suggestions on better ways to handle large gains on low priced stocks.  Should I use last horizontal support, trend lines, moving averages, bollinger bands, or what?? 

Unfortunately, there's quite a few


Posted by RichieD on 9th of Feb 2011 at 06:51 am

Unfortunately, there's quite a few years to go on this one, Matt.  At least based on the fundamentals.  Have a read of this excellent article from Vanity Fair: 



Posted by RichieD on 11th of Jan 2011 at 10:28 am

Obviously, there's no way to say for sure (whether BPT members are a factor in today's move).  My comments were actually a compliment to the great work you and Steve do.  Could you share what you saw in the chart last night that propelled you to put it on the watch list?  I assume it didn't hit your radar for the first time last night, but perhaps I'm wrong.  Obviously, there's a long base...but its been that way for 6+ months.  What factor(s) made it a watchlist candidate last night?  Just trying to learn as I go.  Thanks.

Matt: In your opinion, is this morning's move in ROIAK, a genuine move up or nothing more than a reflection of breakpointtrade members trying to pile in on a low priced stock BEFORE it hits the breakpoint??  Seems to me this phenomenon is occuring more frequently these days...then the stock sells off midday for super quick profit taking.  I know you're good with technical selections...but your timing seems too good sometimes, if you know what I mean...especially on stocks priced at under $2.00.


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